What kind of dog is this?

I saw a doggie at the pub the other day. Small, but not tiny - white curly fur that fell over its eyes. So cute and friendly. What kind of dog was he/she?

Cairn terrier?

Could be a bichon frise http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&source=imghp&biw=1584&bih=717&q=bichon+frise&gbv=2&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=bichon+fri&gs_rfai=
or a maltese/poodle mix.

Looks a little like an untrimmed Silky Terrier but I agree it’s probably more likely a “designer dog” (aka mutt).

I have one.

Maltese. Needs a bath and a haircut.

One that’s going to get into trouble if it goes around sitting in chairs at pubs. Tsk.


So many cute puppies. I want a Havanese!

Upon reflection it was probably a Maltese mix - Maltese are hugely popular in Seoul (apparently also one of the most commonly abandoned breeds. . . :frowning: ).

What kind of tail did it have? The face looks identical to my purebred Tibetan Terrier (who is 15" at the shoulder and about 18 lbs). But she looks a bit like a lot of smallish hairy dogs… Lhasas, Maltese, Havanese, Coton de Tulear, Cockapoos.

I honestly can’t remember its tail, but I doubt it was an expensive or rare breed - the dog was wandering around the pub and looked scruffy (although oddly didn’t smell like unwashed dog at all).

It looks like a Bichon.

Like our Bichon …
JUST like our Bichon!
WHAT were you doing down at the pub again?

Looks like a dirty Westie to me (West Highland Terrier).

Yeah, all the way in Seoul at that. :smiley:

This is probably a stupid question, but can terriers have floppy ears? Because that last picture does look a lot like the doggie I saw.

Apparently living the life of…

Tibetan Terrier-type dogs are street dogs in parts of Asia, and it’s not rare to see them around as pets in various countries there. Here in the USA and in Europe they are rare, and pedigreed.

It’s the nose, lips, ears and shape of/fur growth on the headthat make it look so much like a (trimmed) TT to me. But it’s most probable it’s just a mutt, Lhasa or Maltese mix. TTs, Lhasas, and Maltese are very closely related breeds. They all also don’t have much of a ‘doggy’ odor.

My TT looks like a hot mess right now - it’s rather difficult to keep her from looking scruffy and unwashed. Everyone always asks what kind of mutt she is.

My parents have a Lhasa mix that looks similar in the face.

It’s a bichon.