Or, what happened to you, that if you were the type of person to get mad at things, would have made you the most mad today.
For me it is a toss up between waiting 20 minutes for nothing (A taxi was booked but I ended up walking) and seeing my supervisor send yet another e-mail to ‘all staff’ saying “I’ve done this and that” when in fact it was ME that did this and that. (I do most of the work - my supervisor just does most of the liasing with his bosses)
I put this in the pit because [I hope] it will contain lots of rants.
And I think it will be interesting as it will bring out possible rants from people who probably wouldn’t have started a pit thread for them (it is mentally easier to post a reply than to post a thread)
And I forgot to say - There is a section of dopers that LOVE to read rants. I am one of them.
this would have been a great thread for me to come across on certain days. Unfortunately today has been a pretty easy going day for me. I guess the thing that made me the most upset is the way that all the college student loan pages I’ve been to were completely uninformative and assume that the average visitor already knows EVERYTHING. There are a couple of things I don’t know believe it or not.
I had to fight to get my driver’s side door open several times today. It’s getting worser and worser! It’s not the keys; I’m pretty sure it’s the locking mechanism. Pretty soon I’ll have to crawl in from the passenger’s side.
I’m calling my mechanics tomorrow…AAARRGGGHHH!!
But if that’s the most I’ve had to be upset about, I consider myself fortunate.
At least I thought I put it in the pit. Apparently not. Mod(s) could you move this to the pit for me? Unless you think it is more appropriate here in MPSIMS.
fusoya It doesn’t have to be today the 18th of Dec 2002 (it’s actually the 19th for me but Most dopers are murkans for whom it is still the 18th) It can be whatever day happens to be ‘today’ when you read this thread. So if something makes you mad tomorow Post tomorow.
I’ve been mad about the same thing all week. Back in September, a mere three months ago, I had a problem with my power steering’s hosing. My mechanic decided that since the dealer part cost $70 something, he might be able to have a part made instead so it’d be cheaper. So he did, without asking which I prefered. It was a nice thought, about saving me money, but it took him twice as long as he thought it would to install this “part” so it saved me about $1.50 after labor. :rolleyes:
Monday afternoon the stupid thing let go. He can’t look at it until Friday(and yes, I’m pouting over having to wait til next week to see The Two Towers since this disrupted my plans). OTOH, I’m glad I don’t have any interviews scheduled for this week. Well, sort of.
Anyway, I’m pissed because I paid over $125 for something that only lasted three months before needing to be repaired all over again. :mad: I’m lucky I was only the next town over, because the car is a hell of a lot harder to drive without the power steering working. Probably good for building up arm strength, though.
They switched around the offices my department today, and my new neighbour is the one who listens to Rush Limbaugh every freaking day.
The wife…
Apparently, where I’m not currently working, I’m not allowed to be tired…even though I’m awake before she is (I have to wake her up in the morning) and asleep after she is (I have to rub her back/play with her hair to put her to sleep).
Okay here is the deal. My hubby’s company had the x-mas party tonight. So here I am getting my makeup on, putting on nice clothes, brushing my teeth, curling my hair with hot rollers-then I grab the hairspray, press the button and nothing. I searched frantically through the linen closet in hopes of finding a backup bottle. Not a drop of hairspray in the whole house. And he used the last of it and didn’t save me any. I was sooo mad. I had to make the best of nothing and get happy real quick because we were already running late. Other than that it was a really nice day.
A friend just called asking me what I’m doing Monday night. Why would this make me mad?
- I’m flying to out of town Monday afternoon.
- He agreed to drive me to the airport
- He forgot, and made other plans.
AAAAARRRGHHHH!!! Now I have to find another person to drive me, or spend money on long-term parking at the airport.
I am getting a little more upset about this as each day goes by, but here is mine for today. I started working as a file clerk six months ago, and I was really enjoying the job. Recently, they moved me to the Accounting Department (supposedly doing the same work), without consulting me of course, and I would have asked not to be in Accounting if they had asked me. Because I am in Accounting now, I won’t be able to take Dec. 27th off as I had planned, because it doesn’t matter if I file on Friday or on Monday. There is no reason for me to be there and not get a nice 6 day weekend, but since we’re having another year end after having been bought, all Accounting have to work, including me. Oh, BTW, I work part-time for a very low wage, the trade-off being the flexibility in my hours, which is apparently going to be a thing of the past now that I am in the incredibly understaffed and overworked Accounting department. Bleah.
Two things happened to me on different trains. First, a middle aged woman sits next to me and proceeds to read my paper over my shoulder. I tried to converse with her via body language - shifting the paper so that she can’t see what I am reading - she simply read what was available to her. Does anybody on the planet enjoy having this done? At the next stop, I moved to another seat while the troglodyte stared at me with this weird grin until she got off the train.
Later, on a car which was nearly standing room only, a young man, perhaps a teenager, who was big (perhaps 6’ 2", 220) but not huge taking up three seats. When another rider asked for room, he rolled his eyes disparigingly, sighed, and then moves maybe and inch and a half. I know that it didn’t affect me personally, it is still infuriating
It is times like these that make me wish that I could issue fines as a member of the etiquette police.
Flo and Zach winning the Amazing Race. Aside from a small headache, this was absolutely the worst thing about my day. Flo with her absolute whiny bitchiness, winning a million dollars. Ugh!! Stupid show, making me care about these people so much.
Sorry if this is lame, but that’s the worst thing that happened to me all day.
This wasn’t today, but last night. A friend who is supposed to pay me some money called last night and told me that he’s going to come up short again this month. :rolleyes: He came up “short” last month, too. I won’t go into details, but this guy just cannot handle money, no matter what.
As for today, at 3:30 this morning my phone rang and woke me up. By the time I picked it up there was nobody there, so I checked the caller ID to see who it was. I figured that the person who rang my phone must have accidentally hit redial on his phone since I had talked to him previously. He apologized for this, though.
A tie for me:
This morning I popped into Timmy’s for some doughnuts on the way to work. Naturally, at that time of day the place was jammed and I got into line behind six other people. I had only been standing there for a few seconds when a woman pushing a baby stroller (you know, one of those massive, four-wheel drive type monstrosities that occupy more space than some SUVs) enters the door at the opposite side of the restaurant, surveys the long line, then creates a new line for herself. As soon as one of the counter-people was free, she jumped the line and stepped right up for her order. First of all, line jumping in a busy store is the act of an asshole. Secondly, neither the counter-person, nor anyone in line called her on it. I was very tempted, but knew that yelling at a new mom would only paint me as the jerk. ARRRRGH!
Fast forward 11 hours: I pop over to the bank to deposit a paycheck and what should I see but a minivan double-parked in the two handicapped spots in front of the bank–not merely on the line, but perpendicular to it, with their vehicle nose practically in the doorway of the bank. The motor was running and I could see the driver waiting there, presumably for a passenger who was “just running in.” Naturally, I parked in the spot directly behind them, so as to block them in, then went into the bank to do my business. As I passed the minivan, I glared at the driver and his two kids, who took no notice of me, wondering if this was the kind of behaviour he was hoping to teach his children.
Inside, I saw the wife busily working at the ATM. I took the other machine, muttering about the indecency of double-parkers who were illegally occupying the handicapped zones. She also took no notice of me.
I finished my transaction before the woman (I guess she wasn’t “just running in” after all) and returned to my car, glaring once again at the driver all the way to my car. I took my jolly time pulling out, in the hopes of pinning them there for a while, but after two minutes I had stewed enough and left, having failed to teach these wankers a lesson about parking etiquette. Damn idiots probably are still blissfully unaware of how selfish they are behaving.
[slight hijack]Hey, is it just me, or has the level of jerky behavior shot up drastically in the last week? I have seen several line jumpings and heard about another that almost resulted in a fist fight, all this week. Not to mention the rampant bad parking in already over-congested parking lots.
Humans piss me off.[/slight hijack]
They lost the funding for my job. Nothing like starting out the new-year without knowing if there is money to pay your check. Not lost in the sense of we have to cut back, but lost in the sense of nobody knows whose budget it got shifted to…My bosses boss just said, “Well, its a big budget, its gotta be in there somewhere”.
These are the same people who just found out that they spent 50 million…Thats right, $50,000,000 on software, out of the wrong budget.
I bartend. I had an asshole customer today who
a.) Asked another customer to tell me how to make a Hurricane–even though I hadn’t even made him one yet, so he had no idea how mine taste–because he said he “didn’t respect women,” and
b.) bitched about said Hurricane when I made it to that other guy’s specifications, and refused to drink it, and
c.) when I asked him who the hell he thought he was, said that since he’s the customer, he’s “my boss,” and
d.) Paid his tab with a hundred dollar bill, stuffed all his change in his pocket, and
Yes. That last is true, I swear. He’d bought them earlier from a little kid who was selling them for charity. His tab was $70. Again, I’d like to reiterate that my reward for putting up with this schmuck for five hours was TWO PACKAGES OF M&M’S!
I guess I can finally say that, yes, I officially get paid peanuts.
One of my roommates told me not to clip my fingernails in the common room because it was “disgusting”…
Ahem, I think he’s the one with the problem. I’ll clip my #$&%@ing fingernails wherever I want to! It’s my dorm, too!
Not to side with someone who seems comfortable making demands of others, but I can’t stand anyone doing anything to their fingernails where I can see or hear them. It gives me the heebie-jeebies in a big way. I would have asked (very politely) for you to not clip in the common room because I was about to crawl out of my skin.
I got pissed off on Tuesday, but I’ll post it today.
Last week, our Internet server went down. In getting it back online, I worked about 16 hours overtime last week.
My manager called in sick on Friday. A major upgrade was taking place Friday, for which he was supposed to be present, and he called in sick, stating that he was “too exhausted and drained” to come in to work.
On Monday, I did another 4 hours of unexpected overtime. One of my co-workers, who had worked quite a bit of the past seven days overtime with me on the same issue, called in sick on Tuesday, and was very justified in doing so. On Tuesday morning, I requested Wednesday off. I was turned down - and as there were some justifiable reasons for it, I could accept that. By Tuesday afternoon, I was exhausted. At two thirty, I went in to see my manager, and told him that if there was no pressing reason for me to stay the next two hours, I was leaving early.
The same manager who called in sick and missed a major upgrade because he was ‘too drained to come in’ looked at me and said, in his all-too-familiar condescending #$%hole voice, “Looks like I’m going to need to toughen you up some if you can’t take this.”
$%^&ing jerk.