What move, on the drawing board or in production, will be the Next Big Thing?

I’m looking forward to FF too. What have you heard?

Spielberg and Tom Cruise are going to be battling Martians, it seems. Ridley’s got a slew of movies scheduled to come out between now and 2007.

I don’t think that the current version of FF could be as bad as the previous version. (Yes, I’ve seen it, and yes, it is that bad.)

The “cool stuff” it tapped into is cheesy 50s sci-fi nostalgia. I am also very excited about it, but I guarantee that movie-going audiences are not interested in a 50s sci-fi throwback.

Not to nitpick, but it looks a lot more like late '30s/early '40s sci-fi throwbacks to me, like the World War 2-era Max Fleischer Superman cartoons. Still, I’ll see it twice if that helps.

Well, **The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe ** should be the next blockbuster series of films, provided they promote it the right way and stay true to the source material.

I’d love to see some savvy filmmakers tackle **The Black Cauldron ** series, beginning with The Book of Three. And not that animated piece of crap from 1985, either.

Echoing the thoughts on Fantastic Four, and **Lemony Snicket ** as well. Particularly because the latter features Jim Carrey.

Other than those, I think we all can agree that the 800lb. gorilla in 2005 will be a little movie called Star Wars.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (2008)

Wow, a movie listing for a book not even published yet.

I’m REALLY looking forward to Sky Captain, etc., and so is my wife and so is my kid. It’s so DIFFERENT looking from other SF films … man it’s gonna blow some minds. I don’t think most moviegoers are gonna KNOW it’s got a retro-30s look. They’ll just think “cool” or “not cool’” because that’s all their libble brains can hold.

But to answer the OP the coolest movie on the drawing boards is my project, “Dancing Slavegirls of Mars.” Also, the cheesiest. Of course, no one who’s actually in the film industry knows of it, but hey, that’s a detail. I’ll have my people get with their people on it.

You said it. The first time I saw the trailer for it, I had to look around the theater to make sure I hadn’t just imagined it, because everybody else in the crowd seemed completely non-plussed to the thing that had just blown my ninja mind. It was if they put every cool thing possible into one trailer, and then they showed the giant robots! I didn’t mention it to anyone until I saw another ad that confirmed it was a real movie, because I was convinced that I had just dreamed the whole thing.

As for the OP, I don’t know from Next Big Thing, but my predictions for super-cool “sleeper” hits:

I Heart Huckabees
The Life Aquatic

Can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait.

No, as someone else posted above, Peter Jackson’s King Kong, unless it has terrible reviews, may come close to or pass SW (maybe not in 2005 since it opens in December, but overall). Star Wars is no longer untouchable.

In the “Blair Witch” category of small movies, Saw may do well later this year.

I’m expecting next summer’s Batman Begins to give Star Wars a run for its money! (And while I’ll see both, I’m sure I’ll enjoy Batman a lot more.)

It all depends on the trailers, my friend.

I fear for Serenity. My ass will be in the seats, and so will several people who have borrowed my Firefly DVDs.

I just fear it won’t be enough.

-Joe, Staite worhsipper

(Bolding mine.)

Then it wouldn’t be the “next big thing” then, would it? It would be the “next big thing after the next big thing.”

Believe you me, I’m sure King Kong will be a better movie, but I’d be willing to wager that Star Wars will be the top money-maker in 2005. Hands down, no questions. Last movie in a series of, basically, six films? There’s no way it can miss, unless they put “Matrix” in the title somewhere.

Given that Ep.2 (AOTC) wasn’t the first or even second biggest moneymaker of its year, I’ll take that bet–SW3 (ROTS) will not be the top money-maker of films released in 2005. Got any terms?