What next for the "Harry Potter" stars?

I agree with the article. Seems to me the Big Three can have pretty much whatever careers they want to have. At least so far, typecasting doesn’t seem to be a problem.

  1. Daniel Radcliffe - Does more plays, a few appearances in films, then goes away for awhile. He may come back in the future, but I don’t see him being a big movie star.

  2. Rupert Grint - Not much. Probably ends up doing small movies and then pursues another career.

  3. Emma Watson - Quits acting all together and gets a degree in something else has a career doing whatever. Maybe does voice acting some.

All in all, pretty good. They seem very well balanced.

But that Cedric Digory dude looks like a douchebag.

Eh, I wouldn’t worry about him. I doubt he’ll ever work in movies again. :wink:

The guy who plays Draco has a good career as a replacement for Julian Sands and Charles Dance.

I think both Radcliffe and Grint will go on to serious and sustained acting careers, although probably neither of them will ever again be as close to mega-superstardom as they were in the Harry Potter series.

Unfortunately, however, the odds of two extremely wealthy and well-known young celebrities both getting through early adulthood with no serious catastrophes in terms of things like drug abuse and emotional illness don’t seem very high. I have my fingers crossed for both those boys and I hope they make it.

I’ve always felt that Emma Watson’s heart wasn’t really in her acting, and I don’t think she’ll be a great loss to the profession if she decides to do something else. Somehow I can see her becoming a lawyer and using all her money to establish a really interesting non-profit organization…or am I perhaps just projecting Hermione’s personality onto her?

I think Rupert Grint is a terrible actor. (I’ve seen Driving Lessons as well as some of the HP films) I think he will fade into obscurity within 5 years.

I like the other 2 & hope that they continue acting.

I liked Emma Watson the best but I wondered how good was she in other movies like Ballet Shoes and others? I liked her because she is smart in real life unlike many actresses in Hollywood such as Lindsay Lohan!

She was OK in Ballet Shoes. This wasn’t her fault - the film itself wasn’t much good - improbable story squeezed into a movie timeframe. It may have worked as a mini series.

I think Emma Watson would love a career path like Natalie Portman’s. In reality she will be extremely lucky if it resembles Keira Knightley’s, and instead will probably end up like Anna Chlumsky.

What’s next? The porn parodies, of course!

Seriously, I think Radcliffe could go to moderate stardom, Girnt to character actor success, Watson- if she decides to pursue it, it’s hard to tell.

Radcliffe - The English boyfriend in a series of bad chick flicks, the trailers for many of which feature a bad joke about how he “looks like Harry Potter”.

Watson - The Next Lindsay Lohan.

Rupert Grint - Childrens Shows and British Game Shows until no one can even remember him as being anything else.

Nah, just joking. I hope.

Given the amount of money they’ve made, none of them needs to do anything ever again.

Radcliffe seems to be serious about acting, I’d expect him to go on to have a fairly productive career. At some point in the next few years he’ll do an action movie to demonstrate that he’s now a grown-up leading man.

I’d expect Grint to have a lesser career, but I think he’ll make the transition to grown-up roles too, and I’d expect him to be looking for a tough-guy/villain-type role to show his range. In fact, I won’t be surprised if he turns up in a Guy Ritchie film in the next few years, playing a cockney gangster.

Watson, if she sticks with acting, will play a sexy role pretty soon. She’ll be under great pressure to get her tits out on camera, but will probably resist it, though she will show a bit of cleavage. It’s possible that the extra nudity-related pressure she’ll get because she’s female will be the thing that makes her drop acting in the end.

In a way, I’m sad the filming is over. It was fun watching the kids grow up in the movies. I’m also a little miffed that they’re splitting the last book out into 2 movies which will then be dragged out over a year.

Radcliff will fill the Hugh Grant niche and/or continue on with stage acting.

Grint will probably slide into independent films. He can’t seem to do anything except scene chewing angst.

Watson doesn’t seem to know what she wants yet. It would be nice to see her continue on but her skills are such that she needs a good director to make her actually act and not just recite lines.

I think Radcliff will probably continue on as a stage actor. He seems to enjoy it, and I don’t really think he has the looks to be a “Hollywood leading man” type.

Grint, I am not sure about. He might be able to pull off being a character actor (I don’t think he has leading man chops, either). He would work nicely in an ensemble cast for a TV show though.

Watson is currently attending Brown, so I think its possible she might not act any longer, or stick to voice stuff. She seems smart (Brown!), well balanced and has a good family, so I sincerely doubt she is the next Lindsay Lohan.