Alright, this is my first ever topic, and pit rant, so, please be gentle with me.
A little background. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. We were both fairly recently out of bad marriages, and bad divorces. His ex-wife is truly a waste of oxygen, for far more reasons than I will go into in this post.
Last week she finally left her on again, off again, live in boyfriend, supposidly for good this time(I can’t even remember how many times she’s left in the past, but given that without him she doesn’t have a car, she wound up right back there within a couple of days). She’s been a major fuck up for years, and caused my boyfriend all sorts of trouble, and grief since well before they split. She’s only managed to fuck her life up even more since then. So now she’s totally screwed, and is desperate in damn near every sense of the word. Here’s where the rant comes in. Here’s basically what transpired on Friday:
On Friday, S was suppose to go to V’s in the afternoon, and cut his hair, on her way to pick up the kids from school. Turns out, she calls him at 5, asking him to pick them up, and says that she’ll get them from him later. She does(amazingly enough - in some ways, her living at her parent’s house again has it’s benefits), and cuts his hair at that time. During the course of cutting his hair, she starts “fishing”.
Fishing for what? You’ll never believe this…fishing to see if she can somehow weazel her way back into V’s life again, NOW. What the fuck? Why in the world would he ever even consider it, for a second? She asks him when he’s moving, laments the facts that “things didn’t work out”, and that they didn’t “try harder”, and, after all the shit that she’s pulled, starting LONG before V and I ever met, she has the gall to say that he, and I, having a baby together, essentially ruined their chances for reconciliation…uh, WHAT!!! Come again? What are you strung out on these days? From what I understand, even after making that comment, she still illuded to the idea that she’d be willing to overlook it, and reconcile. She told him that he “doesn’t have to move to California”, and when he rolled his eyes, and said, “Oh yeah, I guess I should just pay child support to both of you, and stay here, miserable”, she had the nerve to ask him, “Well, who would you rather pay child support to”?
Excuse me, but, what the fuck is your problem, lady? Who died, and made you queen of V’s world? What part of DIVORCE do you not comprehend? Hell, what part of all the shit that you’ve done, to him, to yourself, and to your kids do you not understand? You fucked up, furthermore, you ARE a fuck-up, and have continued to dig yourself a deeper, and deeper grave, since you and V split. YOU did that, not V, and I, having a baby together.
You were the strung out, prescription drug addict, you were the one constantly spending money that you didn’t have, and getting busted for it, you were/are the scam artist who looked/looks for any, and every, opportunity to get money to spend friviously. You were the one who fucked around on V, reconciled, then fucked around on him again, then reconciled again, and then continued to “party hearty”, up until a point where you got yourself into a very bad looking situation, with your sister’s husband, even, and when called on it, YOU are the one who exacted one of the most heinous kinds of revenge, you could. You then tried, again, to reconcile, only that time you weren’t immediately taken back, so what did you do? You went and found yourself another man. You managed all of that before V, and I had even met, toots. From there, it just continues to go down hill…yeah, sure, V, and I, having a baby is what ruined your chances…sure, uh huh, keep dreaming.
Another scam - she fucked up, she knows it, she wants her comfy little world back, at least, until she gets comfy again, out of her parents house, in another car, money in hand, and then what do you suppose she’d do? Yep, that’s sure as hell what she’d do.
Let’s not even take into account the fact that he’s in love with me…oh no, that couldn’t possibly be real, because he loved her…I mean, he married her, afterall, so, even though they’re divorced, she’s all that and a bag of chips, and he should just bow down to her whenever she Goddamn feels like it? Nope, sorry, doesn’t work that way, bitch.
I’m not disposable, and I’m not the reason for your problems. You are responsible for your actions, for the fact that you are penniless, jobless, carless, and living with your parents, not me, and you’re the one who has to live with it, not V.
The sooner he is able to move out here, and get her out of his hair on a near daily basis, the better.
What a seriously pathetic excuse for a human being.