I am looking forward to “Return of the King” in December. A year after, the extended edition DVD of Return of the King. After that, (oh and the release of “Pirates” on DVD in Dec.) what do we look forward to? Besides Johnny Depp’s next movie???
How bout it Dopers? What pop culture events are you looking forward to? The Academy Awards? The video release of Gigli (so you can MSTK3 it)? The next Olsen twins movie? Danielle Steele’s next book? (just kiddding, don’t throw so much)
The third season of “24.” RoTK. The extended TTT on dvd. The next Laurie R. King book. The next Harry Potter book. The next Harry Potter movie. The baseball playoffs.
The opening of the Wilhelm Reich archives in 2007. You just know that as soon as the secret “Y factor” of the orgone motor is released to the public, there are going to be closet crackpots coming out of the woodwork claiming that they’ve now gotten an orgone motor to work and need “just a little investment capital” to bring it to market.
The new television season. I was thumbing through next week’s T.V. Guide and was surprised that I got the most pleasure out of the fact that Law & Order premiers on September 24. Can’t beat the old standards. But I also think it’s fun to see a new crop of shows, even if most of them will crash and burn by December.
I’m also very curious to see whether next year’s American Idol lives up to the hype and popularity of its predecessor.
In the near future, I’m really excited to see Secondhand Lions, starring Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, and Haley Joel Osment.
The release of Kill Bill, Quentin Tarantino’s '70s-styled martial arts revenge epic, in October. Unfortunately they’ve divided it into two halves and “part two” comes out in February, but I’m a major Tarantino mark, and I love a good martial arts movie. I will be there opening day for this one.
Other movies: Matrix: Revolutions Return of the King Shaolin Soccer
Season 3 of The Shield, and hopefully Season 2 will be released soon on DVD.
I’m also eagerly awaiting WWE to get good again, since Raw has been awful for years and even Smackdown feels more like “letdown.”
Comic books:
Kyle Baker’s run on Plastic Man–he is one of the greatest writer-artists in the history of comics, and probably the funniest.
As always, I’m waiting for the baseball playoffs, the Superbowl, and the Academy Awards. For this year in particular, I’m looking forward to watching the new episodes of Survivor. In general, I’m anxious to see the new Spider-Man movie, whenever that may be.
A Feast for Crows, the fourth book of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin
The release of season 5 of Buffy on DVD. (I never watched it while it was being broadcast, just on DVD, and I’m champing at the bit to find out what happens next…)
The Two Towers Extended version
Return of the King (and DVDs next year)
The Matrix Revolutions
The Oscars (to see, I hope, Return of the King win)
Francis Ford Coppola’s One From the Heart on DVD, finally (January!)
Lots of other movies coming soon, including Intolerable Cruelty and Kill Bill. And yeah, SW Ep.III, because I’m a geek, and Harry Potter, if only to see what Alfonso Cuarón does with it.
Wes Anderson’s next movie, The Life Aquatic, with Bill Murray and Cate Blanchett (and a lot of other great people). Due in '04, no date yet.
A new album by Happy Rhodes (probably within the next 3-6 months)
A new album by Kate Bush (probably within the next 6-12 months)
Equipoise- a bit optimistic about that Kate album, aren’t ya? I hope you’re right tho & I hope it’s more another SENSUAL WORLD than another RED SHOES.
Other stuff I’m awaiting- the movies UNDERWORLD, TEXAS CHAINSAW remake, along with Pan- JM BARRIE’S NEVERLAND, seeing the now-released DVD of Gaiman’s NEVERWHERE (I read the book about 5-6 years ago with no idea it had been a show first)