It occurs to me that most people would find this just a bit odd, but here goes anyway:
For the past couple years, between September and May, every day I go to and copy the map “Current Snow Cover” to a folder on my computer. After I collect a bunch of these I can then use the Irfanview graphics program to make a little animation that reveals the snow marching down from Canada, melting away a bit, coming back, then withdrawing back North as spring arrives. For some reason I really enjoy doing this and will probably keep on doing it every year until some time a couple decades from now when they pry my wizened, stiffened purple fingers from the keyboard.
I’m guessing there are plenty of other folks out there who are carrying on equally strange and pointless long-term “projects”. If so, I’d love to hear about it.
Lately on Saturday nights I’ve been watching old Lawrence Welk reruns from the sixties and seventies only with the sound turned down while I listen to Prarie Home Companion on NPR. It’s pretty freaky when the video and audio seem to synch up!
I started a new consulting job a few months ago and I have to communicate with people from all over, many of whom I have never met or know well.
Today a woman wrote me an instant message and misspelled the word person as “persin”. She then type the line “Not sin”.
Before I even knew what I was doing, I typed:
“Sin brightens the mood but darkens the sky.” and sent it less than 10 seconds after she sent me the line.
I have no idea where it came from and unfortunately it wasn’t the first time. Some people have baited me and the transcripts sound like some kind of psychotic artificial intelligence program. I don’t think, I just free asscoiate and I have little control over what comes out.