Raring to go, problem-solving day
Yecch. Used to have to go to three-hour church youth devotionals. Headachey and boring day
Somewhat the texture of Monday, bit less energy. Often rains.
Day of long meetings and tired feet. Thursdays, however, almost always have good evenings.
Energetic morning, dawdling, time-wasting afternoon
Energetic morning, run around and buy stuff afternoon
Like Tuesday: I was subjected to day-long church torture growing up, and I don’t get much pleasure out of the daylight time as a secular adult. Usually a good evening, though,(“Simpsons” and hearty dinner related)
Monday - Here we ago again… on the other hand, 24 is tonight!
Tuesday - Worse than Monday because the novelty of the week has worn off - just boring, basically
Wednesday - I like this day - don’t know why
Thursday - TGIAF - Thank God It’s Almost Friday
Friday - Weekend mode already beginning to initialize
Saturday - Ah, yes.
Sunday - This has been a really unproductive weekend. Again. Sigh. Here we go again.
The week definitely starts in Monday when I plan things out in my mind.
Monday- end of my work week. Cranky and unmotivated. I come home, make dinner, and collapse.
Tuesday- first day of bloody housework. Sometimes happy, sometimes not. Laundromat and grocery shopping and cleaning.
Wednesday- baking and cleaning day. Everything is covered with flour and I’m having fun.
Thursday- Sweep, vacuum, mop, dust, cook, and then go to work. Come home and feel unmotivated.
Friday- usually my Day Off. I don’t do much productive stuff.
Saturday- at work for most of it. A little cranky.
Sunday- a little busier, especially if Mr. Lissar is working a 12 hour shift. Then everything is crazy.
wednesday – normally the first day of my work week. an easy day doing inventory, cleaning, etc. about 4 - 6 hours; unless there is a private party in my club (one or two a month) then it’s a ten - 12 hour day
thursday – long shift, minimum 10 hours, usually 11 - 12 hours. on my feet and carrying weight for the bulk of it.
friday – workout / training, then hockey game. usually out for beers with the team after. (outside of hockey season, it’s another night working the club, but mostly the slowest night of the week; typically 9 - 10 hours)
saturday – 11 - 14 hours at work. much like thursdays, only longer & busier.
sunday – sleep. lots of sleep. house cleaning, groceries, more sleeping.
monday & tuesday – my weekend. workout / training, reading, writing, maybe some partying if any is to be had. occassionally a private party at my club one of these nights, which means another 8 - 10 hours of work. also, tuesdays i have either ball hockey, or beach volleyball game, or both, depending on the season & weather.
morning feels so bad…everybody seems to nag me. Coming
I feel better…even my old man looks good.
just don’t go.
goes too slow, I’ve got
on my mind.
Back when I had a Monday-Friday job:
Uggh. here we go again, another five days in a row of the same routine. Might as well get the first day over with, I’d tell myself as I’d just dive in head first and get off to a good start. For me Mondays weren’t quite so bad, actually.
This seemed to be my “Monday” (in other words, I often had a case of the “Tuesdays”, for those of you Office Space fans champing at the bit). Problems that developed on Monday would often manifest themselves on Tuesday, making it my crappiest day of the week.
Oh good, we’re halfway through the week now and hopefullt Tuesday’s problems are taken care of. By this day my momentum is up and I can make it through the end of the week.
So teasingly close to Friday, but not quite there yet. Thursday was also the day we had a weekly one-hour meeting that was so dreadfully, painfully boring. At least once I was past the meeting I could relax and look forward to the weekend.
The weekend is coming. If I have kept pace throughout the week I can slow down the pace and relax a little, take a long lunch and sail out the door and enjoy the next 48 hours.
Take care of personal business early in the day and then enjoy the rest of the day, watch a movie or go out to a nice restaurant.
Take it easy and savor the slow, relaxed pace of the day. Sleep a little late, but not too late, as there are things to do. By around 6:00 PM I realize that the weekend has once again gone by too fast and Monday will return once again.
Now that I work Sunday through Thursday this screws everything up. Other than counting the days, each day seems like the one before.
Darn, thought this would be a synesthesia thread…
Monday: Classes today. There will be an exam, like there is every week. Stress, followed by sleep once I get home, because I have to catch up.
Tuesday: Tuesdays don’t have a feel.
Wednesday**: Lost is on tonight! Lostlostlost!!!
Thursday: Not Friday yet? Damn.
Friday: Woohoo! Friday! If I can get through the day, I have three whole days in a row coming up during which I don’t have to come to the lab and deal with bitchy techs who don’t like students.
Saturday: Bleh. Working at 7am. Leaving home before sunrise. Sucks.
Sunday: My only day off. Study all day because I have an exam tomorrow.
Monday Damnit I have to get up at 8:30 am, why did I sleep my whole weekend away? And I hate class. I should have studied or something…
Tuesday Yay House is on. Last night of laziness before work on…
Wednesday Class from 10-2pm, then work until 8. Usually a little Mythbusters then bowling. Long but usually good day.
Thursday Ugh I used to like Thursdays. Then I got a new job. Have to get up earlier for class and work every week. Damnit. No more OC/CSI for me because I can’t program the VCR.
Friday I don’t even like Friday anymore. I have to work. And go to class. Boo. Usually too tired to party, end up in dorm being bum by myself.
Saturday Sleep it off all day or go into work at 4pm. Used to love Saturday too, but damn job. I miss having 4-9:30 pm to myself! If I don’t have work, usually lay in bed all day watching TV/movies. It’s cold out.
Sunday I don’t do crap on Sundays. Except when I have to work 10:45-4 every other week. Boo. I work too much. And then I have to go to bed at a reasonable time to start all over again.
I thought this thread was going to be some sort of crazy synaesthesia thing.
I work Thursdays to Mondays, so for me it looks like this:
Thursday: Beginning of the week; energy, but also my busiest day, so I’m glad I get it out of the way early. A swim to look forward to at the end of the day, however.
Friday: Almost as bad as Thursday, but the classes I teach are less refractory today.
Saturday: Glory, halleujah, almost empty empty Saturday. Only two classes, and then a workout in the afternoon.
Sunday: The pace picks up again - busy busy busy, normally frantic with undone work at this point.
Monday: Hooray! All I have to do is make it through today, and then it’s my weekend! I do have all the difficult classes today, but it always amuses me that I’m going “Hooray! It’s Monday!” - possibly the only place where that particular expression is used.
Tuesday/Wednesday - catching up with my life, walks, visiting people, photography, feeling alive again.
Monday: Rough edges, cold, metallic
Tuesday: Soft and lumpy, vaguely nauseating.
Wednesday: Warm and sunny.
Thursday: Tangled, tortured, plastic.
Friday: Windy, fresh.
Saturday: Full bodied, radiating, muscular.
Sunday: Ecstatic and nervous.
Monday: Dull, boring, unenthusiastic, blah, groggy.
Tuesdays: On a more even keel, calmer, steady, more settled.
Wednesdays: Ready, expecting anything, alert, absorbed.
Thursdays: Good, bright, happy, cheerful, energetic.
Friday: Agonizing over always working a midnight shift, frustrated.
Saturday: Gleeful, relaxed, rested, lazy, comfortable.
Sunday: Like Tuesdays–calm, steady, serene.