what the hell are you doing coldfire?

Sue, I’m sorry. There’s no way you’re getting away with it THAT easily :wink:

Missy2U: A beer ? Sure. But… why ? I don’t really see the relevance, but then again I suppose a beer’s always relevant.

sitting back in a very relaxed manner, knowing that UncleBeer CERTAINLY is gonna second that one…


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Did I hear someone say beer?

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

  • smiling happily, knowing the world makes some sense after all… *


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

See? Beer makes everything better!

OK Cold…

C’mon C-eh-N-eh-D-eh-IanSue, cut it out and don’t make me come over and kick your sorry butt now :slight_smile:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Sorry, I have been extra busy over the last two days and I had to pull myself away from the board. I know some of you may have enjoyed this, but anyway, I feel that I should be able to speak for myself here. This is not a “last word” thing, but there have been some things said to me or about me that I feel compelled to respond to. Let’s start at the bery beginning (it’s a very good place to start):

You forgot “self-opinionated.” If not understanding that word qualifies me as “semi-literate,” then I’ll just have to change my screen name to “bj0rn jr.”
I think some of us need to be brought up to speed on our bj0rn-ology. Let me take you back to the good ol’ days of October (10/13). In response to a negative (quasi-flamish) response to a post of his own, bj0rn the Conquerer posteth:

Congrats, bj0rn, your troll ID card and bumper sticker are in the mail.
The next day, bj0rn the Conquerer gets profane on andros (asterisks added by bj0rn):

Note the Viking slang (“how the bloody well…”, “about sodding what”) that somehow gets the point across while STILL impeding comprehension. He is skilled.
Later in the same post, bj0rn the Conquerer qualifies the grammer mistakes that had become the focus of the thread:

This comes after bj0rn the Conquerer had been told repeatedly that his grammer was in issue because it was preventing almost everybody (I make this statement on the basis of the fact that numerous people had compained, with not one person speaking on bj0rn’s behalf, aside from himself). If you wonder why people were banging their heads against the keyboard, it was because bj0rn’s comprehension problem apparently works both ways.
Still in the same post (10/14 on the “Troll List” thread) comes my favorite bj0rn moment ever. I have to post the whole thing, because it’s classic:

So many things to be peeved at here. I don’t even need to elaborate.
Four days later (the 18th), bj0rn lays into Coldfire with this recommendation:

Thanks, bj0rn, that was constructive.
Yet another four days go by, and bj0rn tries to compare readers of his posts to blind people. He lays down the rules that blind people apparently follow while listening to other people speak. Here is the end:

[QUOTEbut one thing you may not do, assume that what you translated into your type brainwaves is accually what the other person meant. so be careful at judgement day.
my static …oy you.[/QUOTE]

A week later, bj0rn the Conquerer gets testy once again with CF, and falls flat on his face yet again.

Another important aspect of this quote is the last line, which basically states that bj0rn, fully aware that people do not understand him, does not make any effort to correct the problem, even when he knows that his post will not be understood.
Later he lambasts me:


Taking all of bj0rn the Conquerer’s posts, of which I think these are a pretty good cross-section, into consideration, I think we can all tell that he is indeed Troll of the Century. Stop sticking up for him, he is definetly a negative influence on the board.
Thank you for your time.

The IQ of a group is equal to the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group.

I hate UBB code.

And I know that I made more than one grammatical mistake in there. Sorry, but I type rather quickly when I get excited. No need to point out my typos, just trust that they were typos and not legit mistakes. The only thing that I need to correct is the fact that I forgot to finish a thought in the middle there. An addendum:

“This comes after bj0rn the Conquerer had been told repeatedly that his grammer was in issue because it was preventing almost everybody (I make this statement on the basis of the fact that numerous people had compained, with not one person speaking on bj0rn’s behalf, aside from himself).”
Please add: “…aside from himself) from comprehending him.”

I know most of you knew what I meant, but, given the nature of my message and the ironically bj0rnish sound that the original sentence had, I felt that I needed to clarify before somebody jumped all over my shit.

But we don’t have anyone around here that would do that, now do we?

The IQ of a group is equal to the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group.

Rousseau: if thats your understanding, im not very surprised you are confused.

thats the hilarious part, how can you quote my with any efficiancy if you dont understand what im saying? sigh…and what i meant about “group therapy” was YOU standing alone against everybody else on the thread. now, all em other quotes is bad quoting on your behalf.

just one more thing: http://www.straightdope.com/ubb/Forum7/HTML/000586.html
i think it will do you good, assuming of course you understand what im saying and assuming you understand what we are talking about in this thread. but i really want to hear your opinion on the matter.

thank you for your time

Welcome back…

I called you semi-literate partly because you didn’t understand “self-opinionated”, a bog-standard everyday word (of which by the way I have had to provide a definition plus a source in the other thread, as well as an explanation of “self-appointed”), partly because of your quite pathetic attempt to spell “Murgatroyd”, but mostly because of your general attitude to anything that isn’t already lined up four-square with your existing mental framework.

In other words, two counts of semi-literacy in the narrow and literal sense, and one huge one in the transferred or metaphorical sense

In other words again, I am calling you semi-literate both grammatically and existentially

So now you have three ways to misunderstand

The bells of Hell go tingalingaling…

bj0rn, you boggle my mind.

Don’t you comprehend that I’m quoting passages that I don’t understand for that exact reason?

Durno: The third dictionary I checked had “self-opinionated.” It was defined as “vain or conceited.” I stand corrected, as well as very very insulted.
I also admit that I was wrong about the spelling of “Murgatroyd.” I would not call my attempt (which was phonetic) “pathetic,” but whatever.
I hardly call knowledge of these two words and the ability to understand bj0rn a standard for literacy. Maybe I’m not as well-spoken as you, Webster (but at least I’m creative with my insults). If I was given a literacy test that asked me to define “self-opinionated,” spell “Murgatroyd,” and interpret one of bj0rn’s posts, I would have failed with flying colors. If given it now, however, I would get a solid 67%.

The IQ of a group is equal to the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group.


Well hey, did no-one tell you, you’re supposed to be insulted, this being the Pit’n’all… (and I didn’t notice you exercising any great restraint, Mr Creative Insulter - when was that exactly, by the way?)

As for semi-literate, what am I, a school-board examiner? I didn’t aim to be accurate, chum, just offensive - I picked the thing I thought wd irritate you most - seems to have done the business.

Some people wd put in “Boo-hoo-hoo” at this point - people can be so teddibly teddibly cruwil. But if it bothers you that much, fine, truce - life’s too short:

Formal Retraction:
You’re not semi-literate just because you didn’t know “self-opinionated”, cdn’t spell “Murgatroyd” or can’t stand bj0rn - I was EXAGGERATING, which you may notice is not peculiar to me in these surroundings - now d’you feel better?

But literate, semi-literate or pre-literate, it has to be said, for my money you’re a wazzock among wazzocks…

Durno, you have a command of the most bizzare insults I’ve ever encountered. As of now, I’m a “Self opinionated/self appointed, semi-literate wazzock.”

And by the way, I wasn’t complaining.

The IQ of a group is equal to the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group.

If the cap fits…

Hey, you wankers, this is the “bj0rn tries to flame Coldfire and burns his sorry ass” thread !! Go now, and create your own Durno-Rousseau Flame-Away Thread if you want…


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

darn…and i was about to suggest that we would just rename this thread “what the hell are you doing rousseau”, since the deal with coldfire has been successfully solved. but i dont suppose you noticed that rousseau. you being semi-intelligent(intended, but not as an insult, as a statement to be misunderstood by you) and all.

then how come “please explain” is nowhere to be found in your posts?

and durnovarianus, i think your insults (although EXAGGERATED insults) are far better than rousseaus. one can just “sense” the sentances hidden agenda, but it still remains elusive enough to hide from literate thinking minds with NO creativity whatsoever. i resent you call insults creative in any way! if somehow the sentance could be interpeted in a non-insulting manner then it would be creative. although you did a fair job with that math project of yours.

bj0rn - rousseau = iq(an attempt to make a short version of “i quit”)

Now that is an insult.

The IQ of a group is equal to the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group.

rousseau: you forgot to quote the bit in the “()”.
oh, and thanks for the compliment :wink:

bj0rn - creativity is like a flash-light, you are going to need new batteries sometimes.

Or in your case, a new light bulb.

hee hee :wink:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Or maybe someone needs to show him where the “On” button is.

The IQ of a group is equal to the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group.