What videogame character would you NOT want to see naked?

Bald Bull. That headbutting freak ought to spend some jail time with Mike Tyson! NOT someone I’d want to see naked. You can scub your eyeballs now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mario & Luigi. It’d be just weird.

Slippy Toad. It’d ruin the mystery.

Yeah, and while you’re at it, you can add Toad (from mario bros fame)to that list. I prefer to think of them as androgynous. Nothing more…NOTHING MORE! PUT THAT MUSHROOM OF YOURS AWAY TOAD! :eek:

This is just wrong. Thankfully, it’s censored.

Anyhow, this is my list.

The King of the Cosmos, Katamari Damacy
Bo Rai’Cho, Mortal Kombat: Deception
Karnov, Karnov
Lucy, Quake III: Arena
Eddie, Silent Hill 2
Sludge Vohaul, the Space Quest series
Peggy, Leisure Suit Larry 7
Voldo, Soul Calibur series
Edmund Honda, Street Fighter series
Barrett, Final Fantasy VII


I hate sharing this with you, Incubus – no I don’t, I love sharing this, it spreads around the misery. I-mockery.com has a copy of a ROM hack that gives you an all-nude Punch Out. I don’t remember Bald Bull, but Don Flamenco shall be branded into my memory for all time…

Zangief, Dhalsim, and Blanka all come immediately to mind.

Ew. Just ew.

I’m surprised no one’s mentioned Sonic the Hedgehog yet.

I’d say Pac Man, but I think he’s already naked.

Big Smoke from San Andreas.

John Madden.

Hur, hur. Solid Snake. He said “Solid Snake”. Hur hur hur.