I was flying back* from S Texas (to the DFW area) in a friend’s airplane last night and noticed at least 3 fireworks celebrations. These weren’t the huge city or stadium type displays, but they weren’t bubba in his backyard either. Two appeared to be, at the very least, planned events of some type. Friend and I racked our brains as we went over these displays, but couldn’t come up with any event warranting fireworks. Did something happen, and we just missed the memo? Or did some local sporting event occur (this would pass beneath my radar)?
Any ideas? I can think of a few events on or about April 20, but I don’t think they’d be celebrated.
*We’re on a quest involving the expenditure of a lot of aviation fuel in search of the perfect barbecue. Sadly, even after 300 miles of journeying last night, we must report another failure. We shall continue in our quest.
That’s why I had no idea why some people thought it was a special day. Nobody actually came out and said why I should be celebrating. I thought it was National Mind Reading Day.
I just got back from taking an interviewee to lunch. She’s from Lockhart, TX which she informed me apparently has the best BBQ anywhere. I don’t think I’ve ever had BBQ in Lockhart. I do remember a pretty good place I went to back in grad school. I don’t remember the name; I just know it was on the drive from Austin to Freeport. I will steer you away from Syracuse, NY. The locals bragged about the BBQ and took me to a couple of the supposedly best places. Sadly I couldn’t agree with their assessment.
Thank you. We are heading to New Mexico in a few weeks, to see if TX can be bested. We will report our findings.
Last night’s journey was hilarious. Imagine a furtive voice, over the phone, informing us we should land at a small field at XY coordinates… behind an old hangar you will find a white box… in the box you will find a set of carkeys. Look for the blue ford parked in the meadow… Directions will be on the front seat… etc. (Seriously)
This is turning out to be more fun than we imagined.
Thanks everyone for the replies. Maybe we should’ve flown directly over the fireworks (to smell the smoke, right?)
Today,the twenty first of april, is San jacinto day. Could be a pre-celebration of the 173rd anniversary of the defeat of Santa Anna at San jacinto giving texas independance. That would be my guess.