What was the best Mother's Day Gift You ever received?

Since Mother’s Day is this Sunday, I have been listening to the radio and the Tv with all the commercial’s trying to sell us all these wonderful gift’s to give our mother’s… Most of which are all very expensive. I have been a mother for 14 years now, and the best gifts I ever got from my childern are ones that come from their heart. Just like this past friday when I picked my daughter from school… She told me she checked out a recipe book from school, and has planned the whole sunday’s meals. Granted, sure I am going to have to help. (Clean up of course) :smack: But it’s the thought that means so much more to me. She asked me up front if Brad my oldest son was going to take me out for lunch again this year. And I said no, not that I know of.She was very happy to hear that. Then she told me her plan.
I think with all the holidays that there are, way to much is put into what people buy and how much they spend. And they honestly believe that is what matters.
To me what matter’s is what comes from the hearts of my childern. Do they really appreciate everything I do for them??? Nah… I doubt it, not at their age’s. But when they are grown like me… They will see how much we as mother’s do for them and sacrifice for them. And then we’ll be appreciated.
So with that said. What’s the best Mother’s Day gift you ever received???

Two things come to mind:

The first was a card. My son was born the day before Mother’s Day, and although he turned out perfectly fine, it was a challenging labor and delivery so they had him in the NICU for a week. On Mother’s Day, I was still in the hospital myself. The nurses in the NICU made little Mother’s Day cards for all the NICU moms. They put two polaroids of my son in there, and decorated it with stickers and stuff. It was nothing fancy but the idea that these extremely busy, well-trained professionals took the time to make these for us just blew me away. I still have it.

The second was a cute necklace sent to me by bunnygirl, formerly of the SDMB. She had seen it at a craft show and thought of me, and sent it to me for Mother’s Day. I was truly touched to be remembered by a friend on that holiday.

The best Mother’s Day gift I ever got was in 1998. I was working thrid shift at a factory and I was quiet crabby all the time. We were also remodeling our house so I wasn’t ever getting enough sleep. I had to work MANDATORY overtime the Saturday before Mother’s Day. When I came home I saw two home made cards with glitter. My son was almost 3 and my daughter was just barely a year. Their dad had cut out hearts and they “colored” on them. My husband drew stick figure kids and let them use glue and glitter. These two cards mean more to me than any gift I could have ever imagined.
I love the hand made cards the kids make for me. I save them all in a shoebox in my closet.

I’ve been a mother for almost 19 years now, and I can honestly say I don’t remember a single Mother’s Day gift. So either I’m a terrible mother who never merited a gift or a terrible mother who can’t remember what her child gave her.

Either way, it doesn’t look too good for me, does it?

So… I totally cant figure out what to get my Mom.

I know what she really wants is to just spend some time with me… which of course is exactly what I will do. But I want to get her something on top of that though.

I’m 22 and I have no problem making her a card with glitter and cut out hearts but i’d like to do something else… Come on Mommies- THINK!!!

Well, this year I am taking my mom and my kids to South Dakota for Mother’s Day. We are leaving on Friday and not coming back til Tuesday.

Since my mom lives in PA as does the rest of my family.
I sent her something that she can use. After my step dad died a few years ago,
my brother and I went through her expensive. Since she would be living off of just her SS check from now. And beleive it or not her phone service was still the old fashioned rotary phones. And on top if it she was paying almost $200. a year to lease her phones. Well we took care of that and brought her into the future, cordless phone and all, with an answering machine too… Plus he bought her a computer too. I told her using the phone cards are alot cheaper and control your expensives too…
So for mother’s day this year I sent her a phone card and of course a loving card too… It wasn’t alot… But it was something I know she could use.