What were you THINKING?

That is a component of it. There are several different things that are meant by DEI. One of them is the employer policies you mention, which are at least in part meant to reduce liability. As you say, that tweet does a very poor job at that since it is probably illegal.

Businesses have a fine line to walk. On one hand, they could face lawsuits if their employee breakdown is too unequal. On the other hand, it’s blatantly illegal to discriminate in the hiring process. And there’s only so much to be done on the supply side (like having more job fairs at universities that might have a different ratio of minority groups).

It’s hard to talk about all of this clearly since there is no one specific name to use. DEI is used in a more general sense, but those anti-DEI laws are targeted at departments of big organizations. At any rate, this conversation started with the distinction between equity vs. equality. Whether we’re talking about that as a component of a DEI effort or something else isn’t too relevant to me.