What year of the Chinese Zodiac were you born in?
Remember if you were born In January or early February your sign is that of the previous year. The calendar is the Chinese Lunar one, not the western one. It varies as to exactly when it starts so check online if you are a Capricorn or Aquarius
I am a water dog. It is pretty fitting.
Rooster. Not a single characteristic sounds like me. I’m also a Pisces, which is pretty accurate.
Monkey. For a long time I thought I was a Rooster because I was born in Jan '69.
Fire Goat here.
I’m also a Leo. Apparently, fire is strong with me.
Goat but it is not on the list.
The Goat and Ram are both the same sign.
Rooster (aka Cock ;))
I am a fire horse, no less! I eat my husband! (Lucky him…) Lucky me that I was born in a year when people just used contraceptives and the number of births for that year plummeted. One or two cycles earlier and I’ve been killed at birth. That is, if I’d been born in Japan or I presume also China.
Japanese MIL was PISSED when she discovered I was a fire horse. It was after we married so there was nothing she could do about it but it confirmed all her suspicions about what a horrible person I am.
Earth horse!
I’m sure it’s very meaningful and says a lot about me as a person.
Fire Horse
I think I’m a Dragon, if I figured it correctly. First time I’ve ever tried.
Hellp pllz…1982. Do you guys know?
Rabbit (or hare as this poll gives). I was born in mid-1987.
look at my handle What animal is that?
Earth Monkey
Here’s a table that will tell you!
I am a fire horse, too. Is that bad?
Another fire horse here. We’re winning!
My husband is a metal ox, \m/ \m/ !