I’m an avid listener of the Adam Carolla Show, and I’m worried about what I’ll hear on January 2nd. Last year we were surprised (and appalled) to find that his regular team had been fired and the abysmal Danny Bonaduce was now his blowhard sidekick. Throughout the year he hinted, in interviews (especially one with Howard Stern and an appearance as a response to an LA Times article about the debacle his show had become ) that he had a plan and the listeners just needed to be patient. Well, the last two days of the year, Carolla called in sick, which he never does. The show went on with the planned Ace Awards, which mostly ridiculed the previous horrible year with Bonaduce in studio. Meanwhile, I read on his message board that he was on the Dr. Drew show on one of his sick days. Speculation was running rampant on the message board that he was quitting, as Bonaduce was bragging about re-signing his contract with a bonus. The next day the message board was permanently closed.
I can’t find anything indicating what’s coming. I’d love to have Adam back without that flaming rectum, but I’d hate to have no Adam at all. I really don’t want to pay for radio, so I’m hoping he’s not planning on going to satellite. Has anybody out there heard anything about what we can expect on January 2nd?
My first thought is that he really is sick and I have trouble believing random posters on his message board who might be full of baloney. There’s no way Adam would destroy his radio persona (based on “honesty”) by directly lying to his audience. When Stern used to fake out his audience (i.e. false annoucement of the show ending) he would immediately reveal the prank the same day. I highly doubt Adam would pull a dick move like call in sick whilst showing up at Dr. Drew and not reveal it for two weeks, because it’s so easily exposed and opens him up to TMZ-style sniping.
As for Bonaduce, he’s okay as a front man. When Adam was away, he was a lot less grating than usual. But his internal filter doesn’t work right sometimes, so he ends up blurting out strange things and tangentially interrupting into other people’s expositions in a way that’s disruptive to the listeners. (I notice his co-workers try to laugh this off)
Adam, on the other hand, has done this only a couple of rare times: for example, he joked about the being disappointed when his birthday falls on the month with the black calendar girl and Teresa immediately covered.
By the way, Teresa is extremely sharp and quick. Like a Dennis Miller, but non-obscure. Whatever she says almost always adds to the show. I really wish they would replace the non-flattering picture of her on the show site. Although it makes Adam look comparatively better, it probably would boost ratings more to have a hotter picture of her instead.
Speaking of Adam, any news on this national commercial that Adam has been hinting at? I hope he didn’t cause his own illness by starving himself before the shoot.
Take this with a grain of salt, but Perez Hilton says Bonaduce is leaving the show. Warning: May be NSFW, it has images of Bonaduce covering his junk with a cowboy hat. For those who would rather not have to scroll past the images, I’ll quote below.
And if you click the link on the other site, you can see Danny B. NOT covering his junk. As a co-worker showed me yesterday. I needed a glass of wine after that.
:eek: GAK!!! :eek:
Alright, that was disturbing enough to almost kill the joy created by knowing Bonaduce was finally going to get the hell offa my show!
Seriously, the past year has been some of the worst radio I’ve ever heard, alongside soem of the best. Bonehead would interrupt and brag and snort and slurp into the microphone all the time, but Adam never lost his cool with him. The best parts of the show were when Adam would send him off on a stupid errand (like delivering bagels to Posh and Becks) and get him out of the studio. I am so glad to know his voice won’t be in my ear at work anymore. I was getting pretty bummed thinking about listening to the other local talk radio offerings, as nothing comes even remotely close to the quality of the wit of the Adam Carolla Show.
You know, if you go to the freefm web site, you can download pretty much every segment in his show and listen to them at your leisure and commercial free. You can also skip over every time Bonaduce opens his mouth, if you want. Might be a nice way to get through the hiatus, but be wary of archive binge.
I have been listening to the archives - I only wish I could find the 06 archives, from before the Douch’s appearance. I listen to the radio all day at work - which I prefer to interacting with humans - and there’s very little I haven’t heard. In the meantime, I’ve been getting my fix with The Loveline Archive. That’s some quality Adam, there.
Interesting that adamcarolla.com now says “with Adam Carolla and Teresa Strasser”, with no mention of Danny. And there’s no longer a listing for Bonaduce under “Staff Bios”. Although his picture is in one of the ads.
No we aren’t. There’s a podcast, and another person said above that you can also get it off the station website. It’s nice as a podcast, because it’s split into segments and you can choose which ones interest you.