What's more awesome than plasma?

Lasers, electricity, and gravity are all pretty cool, but the don’t even come close to plasma. Some might say that anti-matter is better than plasma, but that’s actually an orthogonal issue; I really can’t think of anything more awesome than anti-plasma. Can you?

The A-Team van?

Ninjas are pretty orthogonal.

Hmmm… the most awesome force? That would have to be The Mega-Force!

Isn’t Fonzie cool incarnate?

For some reason I read the title what’s more cool than plasma, not awesome.

Okay, anti-plasma ninjas would totally kick fonzie’s ass.

Predicting rapid move of thread to IMHO.

IMHO is totally AWESOME!

Tachyons are undoubtedly cooler. TACHYONS FOR TEH W1N!

I’ll go with sex being more awesome than plasma. I think it also beats out Tachyons, Ninjas, lasers, electricity, gravity and Fonzie.

Dark Matter

Tachyons may be cooler (but less than Fonzie) but are they more awesome? Unlikely, since they are only theoretical and awesomeness requires actual existence.

Don’t quit your day job, Kreskin.
Moving thread from Great Debates to…MPSIMS.

I agree. You get my vote, Mr. Man.

What’s more awesome than plasma ? Plasma cannons, that’s what !

You can have sex with ninjas or Fonzie.

Probably with those other things as well.

Just google sex with tachyons.

Sex with plasma will, however, leave something of a rash.

And electricity is into some shocking stuff.

Lightning? No, that’s still plasma…wait, I’ve got it. More plasma!

Or karate.

Carbon gets my vote.

I hear that Plasma will team up with Jack Bauer on the next season of 24.

And Chuck Norris will kick both their asses, right? (Or is it Vin Diesel?)

Also, quarks are way cooler than anything else.