What's the most active time on SDMB?

I’m posting at 7:24am EST on a Saturday, and I don’t think there’s many Dopers up right now. What day and time does the board see the most green dots next to Doper names?

I believe afternoon East Coast, which is morning West Coast and evening in Europe, is the busiest.

Well, things do get pretty frenzied around here, every time somebody brings up the 3rd word ending in -gry… :smiley:

What is “evening East Coast” relative to UTC/GMT? E.g., we are UTC+8 hours in Broome.

U.S. Eastern Time is GMT/UTC - 5 hours.


Thank you.

So when it’s 6:00 am PST (USA west coast) it’s already afternoon on the USA east coast?



Don’t be disingenuous.

I meant around 2 PM east coast, which is 11 AM west coast, and 7 or 8 PM in Europe. Daytime hours all the way across, since a lot of people post from work.

Is there data on response time versus number logged in? It is 11:30 pm Pacific time, and I have never seen the boards so fast. I blink, and my reply is posted. What gives? A new breed of super hamsters?

No – everyone on the east coast and in Europe is asleep. No competition.

At 2:30 am? Slackers.
I’ve been on plenty of times then, and it was unusually fast last night.