What's this joke?

A freind asked me to find out the whole joke here. Apparently, this is from the movie, “The Breakfast Club”:

A lady walks into a bar with a salami under one arm and a poodle under the other. She comes in and puts the poodle on the bar and the bartender says, ‘I guess you won’t be needing a drink’ and the lady says …"

What’s the rest?

This is too frickin’ weird!
I just saw this movie last night, and my Hungarian girlfriend asks me afterwards what the punchline to this joke is. Unfortunately, I don’t have a clue either, but it was a pretty weird coincidence to login to the SD and see this question sitting here. I too, anxiously await an answer…

Hmm…just did a little research at AltaVista.
I got this “Finish the punchline webpage:”


Unfortunately, the contest is now over, and no answer that sounded like the real punchline was found.

Here’s another page that has suggested punchlines:

My guess is that it’s just a teaser. Something in the script that sounds like a promising start to a joke, but really has no punchline, and will just drive people mad for the next … what is it … 15 years.

I’m willing to bet the writers had no joke in mind when this was scripted.

It’s a writer’s ploy. After all, why is a raven like a writing desk? (Though Carrol did explain that in letters).

More commonly, you hear the punchline of a joke but not the build up as a sort of shorthand for telling the audience they’re coming in on a lengthy conversation just as it’s getting to the good (i.e., plot-relevant) parts.