What's you posts-per-day average?

3.08. I thought it would be much, much higher than that.

3.43 Posts per day from almost exactly three years of posting.

2.97. I think it’s been that way for years and don’t expect it to move any time soon! :slight_smile:


This, is today’s quarter post.

CMC fnord!

.17 but really it is lower. I lurked for about 2 years before joining (and I only joined when I did so I could do a search).

4.03 in almost ten years. I once averaged over 12 PPD (thanks in large part to the Trek threads NCB mentioned earlier) but I’ve been mostly a lurker for years.

Moving thread from IMHO to MPSIMS.


12 years just 5 days from now.

Well I’ll be darned, I joined 12 years ago today!
0.10 posts a day


I might hit 1,000 posts when I’ve been around for 10 years.

0.00 Do I get an award? I’m sure I ruined my stats with this post though…

I’ve been here for 11 years. .78 posts per day. I posted almost a third of my total posts between Fall of 2001 and Fall of 2002, though. And that doesn’t count anything from the Winter of Our Missed Content, which was right smack dab in the middle of that, so the real PPD would be a bit higher.


I think it used to be higher when I had a job that allowed me to trawl the net all day while I had jobs running. Now I am running stuff on 3 different servers so I can rarely find time for the net. Same job though.

HA, 0.07! Eat my shorts, D-bear!

11.48. Fairly high but not the highest.

So I come in here thinking “No one’s got me beat!” I suppose we can share the title at 0.02 per day.