What's your favorite Far Side?

Police entering a room full of dead cats. A microscope and blackboard full of formulas (formulae for you purists)are visible: “Notice all the computations, theoretical scribblings and lab equipment, Norm…yes, curiosity killed these cats”

Numerous other favorites were mentioned above.

SDMB’s oldest living female!
Acclaimed author of: No Bad Brontosauri
365 Ways to Cook Sabertooth Tiger
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Wheel

Another one that tickles me is two aliens have a couple of kids in a jar:

“Hey, shake it up and see if they fight!”


“Rudyard Kipling?”

“Don’t know; I’ve never Kippled!”

Two of my top three already mentioned:

  1. “Midvale School for the Gifted”

  2. “Curiosity Killed these Cats”

  3. Set in a donut shop. There’s a kid leaning on a broom that looks like he weighs about 400 pounds. His boss is standing next to him saying something along the lines of “I just don’t understand it. We’re moving 5000 donuts a day and I’m not making any profit.”

A large building, flames shooting out the windows, is being swept over a cliff by a flood. A sign on the building reads “Crisis Center.”

I have that on a mug :slight_smile:


A lot of great ones have been listed.

Some of my favorites are:

A couple of scientists have written a lot of mathematical equations on a blackboard and then they are looking at a dog that is staring at the equations. One scientists says to the other, “I love it when they try to comprehend quantum mechanics”

Another is a scientist (or mathematican) beginning with a complex equation and then in the middle is written “Then a miracle occurs” and then the answer is written at the bottom. (I always thought that would be a good way to answer a question on a math test, just for fun of course)

That’s all for now.


Wow. As hard as this might be to believe, usually I am able to form proper, coherent sentences. Sorry about that one.

The Acme Ladder Company is on fire, and all the employees are trapped on the top floors, looking terrified… and one is saying, “Wait, wait, Ethel – say that again. That part about, ‘If we only had some means of climbing down.’”

The sandwich mafia sending Luigi to “sleep with the 4th graders” by casting him into a cafeteria at lunch time.

The graceful, noble, deer, while jumping over a log, whose antlers are moments from colliding with a tree limb above the deer. The caption: “Moments you don’t see in nature films”

While we’re on this Far Side kick, does anyone remember the TV special that was on, oh, 8 or so years ago? It was a cartoon (obviously) either 30 or 60 minutes long, and downright hilarious. IIRC, Gary Larson had said he was going to make TV episodes like that one when he retired. Then again, I could be remembering this all wrong.


Nobody ever calls me after they’ve done something smart.

Ooh, ooh, the Boneless Chicken Farm is one of my favorites. But I remember the chickens all lying flaccidly on the ground, not walking around…

My very favorite is one with a split-screen effect…in the bottom right triangle, we see a man so enveloped in giant squid tentacles that the only clue that he’s calling for help is his protruding hand clutching a phone.

In the top left, we see a phone ringing in the empty office of Bob’s Squid-B-Gone, and a note on the door that reads, “Back in a jiffy!”


Ooh, ooh, the Boneless Chicken Farm is one of my favorites. But I remember the chickens all lying flaccidly on the ground, not walking around…

My very favorite is one with a split-screen effect…in the bottom right triangle, we see a man so enveloped in giant squid tentacles that the only clue that he’s calling for help is his protruding hand clutching a phone.

In the top left, we see a phone ringing in the empty office of Bob’s Squid-B-Gone, and a note on the door that reads, “Back in a jiffy!”


My fav still has to be (and I don’t know WHY) the two adult rattle snakes facing each other with a baby rattlesnake between them. The baby is shaking its head rather than its tail and one of the adults says, “You realize that’s from YOUR side of the family.”

Another classic is the jar of humans, broken, fallen to the earth from above, with (presumably) god’s voice echoing from the heavens, “Damn!”

Also among the favourites, the dog in a car leaving the driveway, with his head out the car window saying to his pal who sits in the yard next door, “I’m going to the vet to get tutored”

In the same vein… the “Beware of Doug” one isn’t bad either…

And the all time favourite… drumroll… Tarzan swinging from vine to vine repeating his canned speech for Jane (very poetic), finally gets to Jane, says: “Me Tarzan, you Jane.”. Final square, Tarzan thinking, “Damn.”

Still cracks me up every time.


You guys have mentioned a lot of panels that I’d forgotton. After my original post, I remembered another of my absolute favorites:

Two cows are sitting on a couch. The phone is ringing. One says to the other: “And here we sit, without opposible thumbs.”

In fact, any of the panels dealing with cows are toward the top of my list.

Two that I always found hilarious:

An alien housewife-a-zoid opens the door to let her alien dog-a-zoid in. Clutched in its snout is a little space capsule that says “USA”. She recoils in horror and yells “Aaaaaaa! No, Zooky! Grok et bok! Shoosh! Shoosh!”. Now, whenever the dog brings something unsavory into the house, that’s what I say.

My other favorite: Acts of God. Four panels, each one showing God on stage juggling, or doing magic tricks, or loading himself into a cannon. I nearly choked to death when I read that the first time. Say, God would be awfully good at magic tricks, wouldn’t he?

An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.

Hmmm… so hard to choose favorites!!

One I like showed some lions or something behind a boulder, overlooking a herd of rectangular-bodied animals… the caption said something about “spamelopes” but I can’t remember what :frowning:

Another fave shows a moonlit hilltop, with a sheep and a wolf silhouetted against the moon, the wolf handing the sheep some flowers. The caption read (something like) “Inevitably their affair ended, [name??] worried excessively about what the pack would think, and Edna simply ate the flowers”

Another, cave people, the mother and two kids, the mother is stirring a HUGE cauldron, as tall as she is. Hanging out over the top you see a tusk and a trunk. THe kids are fighting, and the mom says “no Thag, it Wilga’s turn lick bowl”

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

Oh I almost forgot…
you see a couple dramatically sprawled on the floor of their house, half off the couch, tongues hanging out, arms thrown out… walking out the door are another couple, looking back over their shoulders warily… THe caption reads … dammit I can’t remember the names … “____ and _____ fiegn death until the Smiths (?), sensing the sudden awkwardness, decide to leave” or something like that. I’ve always suggested fiegning death as a way out of situations since then.

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

midvale school for the gifted.
i have that shirt.

also i just gone one that says:

“Freeze, now who’s the brains of this outfit…”
and it shows this guy with a huge head…while the others are goons :slight_smile:

Check out my site:
Chief’s Domain

The one with the bow legged cowboys on a running track with numbers on their backs. Caption:The Hundred Yard Mosey.

My favorite is the one that shows what cats and dogs are really thinking when their owners call their names. The dog owner’s dog hears his own name followed by…
The cloud over the cat was just …

Ok, maybe you’d have to love dogs to like that one!

“The more hours people use the Internet, the less time they spend with real human beings.” Norman Nie, a Stanford political scientist on results of his study of the Internet’s impact on society.

I mentioned my favorite Far Side earlier, but it’s really not. There are about 50 posted up on doors, walls, etc…all around my house. I love the “Larsonic” touch that Gary gives to cartoons. He’s a reaaaaaaaaal revolutionary! I envy him.

But wouldn’t you agree, there are so many great Far Side cartoons, that it’ll make your head spin?

Email me, if you’d like to talk about Larson, Far Side, and that cartoon with the fish roller coaster(the caption reads: fish rides) upstatic@hotmail.com

(or any other cartoon)


Two people pass each other in a field, both pushing bodies on gurneys. “When a body meets a body coming through the rye”.

Jerkass looking shop teacher lounges in his chair, with his back to the doorway. Dorky kid stands next to a large robot and says, “My project’s ready for grading, Mr. Big Nose…Hey, I’m talking to YOU, squidbrain!”

Crossection of a beach. One caveman standing waist deep in water, other on the cliff above him, holding a spear. “Now Grok! Now! Throw! Throw! Throw throw throw throw throw throw!”

Ted Kaszyinski-looking guy on upper bunk of prison cell, chewing a pillow to shreds. Guard escorting new inmate inside says, “Hey, Durk! New roommate, Durk! New roommate! Friend, Durk! Friend!”

If life were always like this…if they took your guns and left this stuff…we’d live a lot better.