Whats your kids favorite word?

My three year old is on an “absolutely” kick.

Every sentence she says has absolutely in it somewhere.

Me: Can you pick up your toys?
Her: Absolutely no.
Me: Will you put you cup in the sink?
Her: Absolutely.

Me: What do you want to do now?
Her: I absolutely want to take a bath.

When my nephew was five, his favorite word was “penis,” mostly because of the reaction it got from his mother:

Mom: What would you like for lunch?
Him: Penis! giggle giggle

Eventually, they grow out of it…only to select new favorites. My 14-year-old daughter is particularly fond of “Whatever :rolleyes:” right now.

I know it isnt a word, but my three year old is saying “Whatr you Dooooing” constantly. I have a high tolerance for pain, I do I do…


For some odd reason my 3 year old loves the phrase, “I’m made of solid gummers!”

What the heck does it mean? If you ask him, he’ll just giggle madly.

He goes around saying it ALL THE TIME. He says it to strangers, old ladies in the grocery store, small kids at the playground. No one knows what he’s talking about, but he doesn’t care.

My son is made of solid gummers.

3.5 year old son. Favorite word: Friggin.

Wonder where he got that…

I’ll take absolutely any day…at least she can say it in church. :smiley:

My 19 year old goes whole hog — “fuckin”… <sigh>

“What’s your favorite …?” threads belong in In My Humble Opinion. I’ll move this for you.

Cajun Man ~ SDMB Moderator

Thanks so much, Cajun Man!

My daughter’s favorite word is “like.” Her favorite phrase is, “wait, no, it goes, like, um, wait…um…well, it ROCKS!!!”

I can’t wait for thirteen to be over with.

My son went through “Top o’ the mornin’ to ya” when he was studying Ireland in school.

Then it was “Hola Senior” when he first started taking Spanish.

Now, he has a fondness for saying “curse” when he’s playing video games and not doing very well.

  1. Can I drive?

  2. Can we go skiing?

  3. What’s cooking?

[sup]Yep, it’s a teenager.**

Yesterday it was “evil”. Some Spongebob Squarepants show had him adding “evil” to every noun.

Wife calls me up at work to have me buy McD’s on the way home. Son (6 yr old) gets on the phone to place his order:

Son: “I want an evil cheeseburger, evil chicken nuggets, and an evil Sprite.”
Me: “Evil, huh? What if they’re all out of evil? Will you take non-evil food?”
Son: “Yeah, if they don’t have any evil that’s okay.”
Daughter (4) chimes in: “I want chicken nuggets, evil. I want evil french fries. I want an orange drink.”
Me: “No evil drink?”
Daughter: “No, no evil. Just orange.”