What's your P.Q. (Pit Quotient)?

I’m in the zero category. Enough fighting in the polite threads, no desire for swearing as well.

Only posted in the Piut twice, once was to start a thread that met with unhappy tiddings. Since then, I refuse to post anything there. You figure out the damn ratio.

1:50. Eight posts in the Pit and the only one that can be considered a flame would hardly singe the down off a newly-hatched chick.

Hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but your math is wrong.
Your ratio is 1 : 1.2 Close, but no cigar!

Then I thought I’d find out if someone spent more time in the pit. I figured someone would have.

This guy had the most “last poster” mentions, and it turns out
he spent 100% of his time there:

Pit Meister’s ratio is the max, or 1 : 1

(For some reason, the “search” button only found some of his threads, but since there were more showing than it listed, I tried an exact match on “meister” alone, and they were all there. And all Pits.)

(My own ratio is a middling 1:12)

I guess he’s the champ until someone else turns up with 100% and more posts.
(Which will probably happen about…NOW!)

Aaaawwww, you’re no fun.

*Originally posted by Poirot *

We could ruin that perfect record by getting him to post to this thread…

Never posted in the Pit.

How about bj0rn? He’s been around for a while, and has a 1:1.564 ratio, with over a hundred Pit threads. My 1:6 ratio (as figured by the person quoted in the OP’s quote) pales in comparison.

Although, as evilbeth pointed out, there is a discrepancy on the total number of your posts.

Hey, P’n’P aka The Pit and The Pendulum is back!

Total posts: 4389
Pit Posts: 16

First of all, the search engine tells the number of THREADS, not the number of posts. You post two times in one thread, it’ll just show up once in the search engine.

You would have to click the actual threads to see how many posts of yours (or anyones) are in them. And if anyone wants to look at all of mine, feel free! But it ain’t gonna be me… :wink:

Anyway, the results of the threads I have responded to in ALL forums:

Trds    Percentage  Forum
  20      .63816 %  About This Message Board
  10      .31908 %  Comments On Cecil's Columns
   1      .03191 %  Comments On Mailbag Answers
 603    19.24059 %  General Questions
 525    16.75175 %  Great Debates
 145     4.62668 %  In My Humble Opinion
1479    47.19209 %  MPSIMS
 351    11.19974 %  The Pit
----    ----------  ---------------------------
**3134    100      %  TOTAL THREADS POSTED IN**

Well, that was fun…

Yer pal,

Six months, one week, three days, 15 hours, 18 minutes and 4 seconds.
7745 cigarettes not smoked, saving $968.19.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 5 days, 21 hours, 25 minutes.

I slept with a moderator!*

This is going to blow my image as a mean SOB, but…my actual Pit post to post ratio is 1:556 (0.18% of my posts have been to the pit–one post total). My Pit thread response ratio is 1:337 (0.3%).


You have 36:390, or
1 : 11

750 total threads (incuding this one), divided by 67 Pit threads, equals 1:11.19.

I guess I’m only about mid-level mean.

If I’d hit Preview instead of Submit, I wouldn’t have misspelled *including.[/] Really.

Grrrr…I hate Thursdays.



0.05, rounded.


approximately 5%


About 1:20

About what I thought.

I’m not sure that I did this right, but I think my score is .0300~

Math isn’t exactly my strong suit. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Out of 967 posts, I posted in the pit 31 times. [sub]thank you, DRY![/sub]

And I am proud of it, too.

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who’s never posted in the Pit. :slight_smile: