When did you last tread in shit?

I gotta tell ya, when I read the “three lazy kids”, I thought that the kids pooped where they were instead of going to the bathroom; not the fact that they didn’t scoop after the dogs. Took me a while to realize the truth.:smiley:

Can’t walk around the back of my house without stepping in parrotfish poop… otherwise known as white sand. It gets washed up by the waves. For some reason people spend lots of money to come visit and lie down in the stuff.

So I chose that the animals poop rainbows or something like that.

Same. It’s just what’s on the ground around here. I don’t even think about it.

I took a long walk (3 miles or so) on the beach a couple of days ago. I have to assume that I stepped on some kind of excrement along the way.

One of the product lines where I work is waste water treatment components. I spent much of last summer deep in shit.

The worst was in the bottom of a 30’ deep tank in 105° heat (115° heat index) in Swansea, Illinois. One of my helpers quit as soon as he saw the tank. I had to talk a 300 lb woman down the ladder into the tank. She was a damn good worker after she got down there.

I thought I was going to die down there. It was about the closest to actual death that I have ever been. There was about a foot of sludge still in the tank. I thought I was going to pass out several times. It would not have been dignified to kick it face down in a tank of shit.

Goddam if people in St. Louis and Swansea eat a lot of seeds and corn. And seriously, tampon dispensers should not be flushed.

I had to go into an enclosed tank in Maricopa, AZ. The hatches were open and we had a supplemental air supply. But in the corners of the tank, there was still aerobic digestion going on. I only felt dizzy that time.

The funniest was coming back from a chicken processing plant in Texas. I was in the elevator going to my room. A woman got in, looked at me, and moved as far away as she could. It was too late to get off.

One installation is a small trailer park near here. Judging from all the condoms floating in the tank, someone is doing a lot of screwing.

I would soak in the tub at the hotel for about half an hour and then take a shower.

In all, I went to ten installations last year. I hope I don’t have to go to anymore.
And shit.

Living part time in a house with three dogs (and three sometimes lazy kids too :stuck_out_tongue: ), I’ve come close in the past year but not actually stepped in any. The last time was a few years back, leaving my SIL’s house after dark. I crossed the lawn with only the street light for illumination and stepped into a steaming pile of basset hound poop!:eek:

I scraped what I could off, slipped my shoe off before getting into the truck and put my loafer in the back. When I got home, I scrubbed it over the commode and set it on the stoop to dry.

Virtually every time I mow. I hose the dog shit off my mowin’ shoes when finished.


I’m outta here. Who can compete with this?

I last tread in dog shit. Yesterday. Scraped off the worst into the poop collecting bag and let the next 3 hours of yard work gradually wear the rest of it off. I assume it’s somewhere in the weeds now.

I’m assuming you mean an unexpected shit-tread. That was a couple of years ago when I stood on a turd that must have been freshly laid by a hell-hound. Christ that was smelly. Those deck shoes got dumped in a bin, and I walked home barefoot.

Wandering about here, on the fields and paths, it’s probably a daily occurrence, but rabbit shit is no big deal.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the chickens. Like Qadgop the Mercotan, I have special chicken-poop boots that stay outside the house.

I’m not claiming that there aren’t discourteous or outright evil people in your neighborhood who might be responsible, but it also could have been a loose pet or a stray. We have a pair of large dogs from a farm up the road that roam the countryside all day. They always choose to drop their daily megapoop somewhere in our yard, often (coincidentally?) somewhere along the route from the house to the mailbox.

My roommate has an ancient, senile, evil cat named Kenny who shits throughout the house with abandon. I’ve stepped in his poop many a time. Sometimes Kenny gets into the ceiling and gets stuck up there. I think he forgets where he is or how to get down. Once, I heard him walking around, and then what I assume was cat pee came raining down upon my desk.

There are three other cats around, but they always go outside or in the litter box.

Within the past year (not calendar year). I was visiting my mom and sister over the holidays and helped muck stalls (horses, not cows). As someone said, horse puckey is pretty inoffensive as poo goes.


County Fair, draft horse show. I’m believing the poo was worn off by the time we walked back to the parking lot.

My place of work involves a lot of farm animal poop, so I step in it fairly regularly. (There is also no “five second rule” for me regarding dropped food. I know what’s on the shoes that walk these floors. When food hits the floor, it goes in the trash.)

We have horses, chickens, geese, ducks. They all shit. The dogs are specifically trained to eliminate in the meadow across from the front yard. You don’t wanna walk there.

Last weekend I was helping out on a friends sheep ranch. So just over a week ago.

I think I know who does it. He also walks his dogs to the club we rent from and lets them poop all over the club property and never cleans it up.

Unfortunately I don’t know his name.

We have a large dog, and a small-ish dog. We have a dog yard that is directly outside the back door. I go on a poo-gathering excursion every day, without fail. The only decent thing about this drought, and the hot weather, is that the poo dries rather quickly, and is quite easy to gather. You know, since we don’t have any of that pesky rain to muck it up.

If not for the first sentence, I was thinking you could be Mike Rowe.

For me, the last time was this past Saturday, mowing the yard. Two dogs with free range of a half acre of grass makes it hard not to step in some.

But about ten years ago, I was somehow cajoled into helping work chutes at a rodeo. This city boy barely knows which end of a cow goes moo, and which end goes poo, but I was in bovine bowel contents up to my ankles that morning. I did at least learn that bulls are fairly stupid animals. Poke them in the butt wth a broomstick and say “ZZZT!” at them, and they think it’s an electric prod and they’ll probably go roughly in the direction you hoped for.