i live in a building that has only one set of stairs. everyone above the first floor has to use these.
this morning, every one above apt 4 had to watch their step. for some reason a really big dog took a huge shit in a very strategic location. dead center in front of the very first step.
i was lucky because a neighbor told me before i even left to watch my step. it’s apparent though that others weren’t as fortunate. there are shoe prints and some shit tracks.
what the fuck is the owner of this dog thinking? just because it’s outside doesn’t make it okay for the dog to relieve itself there. and it’s not like there isn’t any grass right across the street either.
This is so nasty. It drives me nuts when people let their dogs poop in places where people obviously need to walk… on the pavement (sidewalk), on stairs, etc.
If close enough I often look at them in a manner to suggest “Oi, you gonna pick that mess up?” Or if in a mood, will actually confront the person.
there are three people with dogs. two of them have dogs big enough to do that. one’s a chow mix, the other is appropriately named bear. of course both owners would probably not bother cleaning after their dogs. but it also could be anyone in the neighborhood. and it’s a fairly densely populated place with plenty of big dogs.
it seems more likely it was one of the neighbors though. problem is which one of them?
My brother and his fiancee have two giant husky-mixes. When they take them for walks, they also take along plastic bags to pick up the poop (it’s becoming a big issue around here). They just moved into their new neighborhood, so they don’t know anyone very well. They had the dogs out one day, plastic bags very obviously in hand, and the dogs just stepped into this one woman’s yard when she came out screaming at them to get their 'fucking dogs out of her yard and don’t let them shit all over the yard because she knew they wouldn’t pick it up." My brother held the bags up and said that they always pick up after the dogs. Apparently, the woman continued her tirade, so they yanked the dogs away and have warned me not to go near the yard when I’m dogsitting. I don’t quite see what the big deal is about the dogs pooping in the yard as long as they’re picking it up.
And people who leave poop behind should be smacked around. I hated stepping in that when I was younger - it was nasty, and somehow, I always managed to track it into the house, thereby incurring the wrath of my mother.
We had a husky/samoyan/German shepard mix when I was a kid. avabeth, some people just don’t like dogs or are afraid of them. Me, I would have let Star go up and say “Hello!”
In my apartment complex in grad school. There was a woman whose dog would shit on the stoop leading out our front door. The other tenents in the building would bitch and complain, and polite notes would be taped to the inside of the door asking her to please clean up after her dog. Somehow over the course of a few weeks, it got worse to the point of the shit being all over the stairs inside the building and on the walls. Notes would be taped next to the dog shit and the cleaning people that came through would clean it up. We could never understand why the fuck the complex did not do anything about it for like two months.
Needless to say, the stairs smelled terrible for a long time. Thankfully, they would come and clean the carpets often. I love dogs, but clean up after them, and take them outside soon enough so they can make it out of the building not just out of your apartment.
ShadiRoxan I really hope that this is a one time thing, because it sucks when it drags out.
thankfully on the way to work i found that most of the shit was cleaned up. of course it’s always hard to get smushed dog shit off of concrete. i little bit still remains, but it’s a lot easier to avoid now.
the only thing is i think one of the maintenence guys had to clean it. poor guys, they’re so nice but get stuck with the shit work, i guess you can say.
I am the neighbor that thankfully missed the shit myself and then warned ShadiRoxon about it.
Our neighborhood is historic <read falling apart> and is all houses close together and apartment complexes. There is very little grass space and it seems that people let their dogs shit on the sidewalk, between buildings, and in the small strip of decorative shrubs. I am sorry but that is just too gross. I came here form the city so I understand sometimes thats where they have to go. SO CLEAN IT UP ALREADY! I, seriously, cannot begin to imagine why the city has not passed an ordinance saying that you have to clean it up! They are so keen on historic preservation that they won’t tear down buildings that are fire harzards yet they let the streets become big piles of shit!
Wait, now I am thinking that maybe it is to remind us that historically these streets would have contained much horse shit.