I am breaking the rules here. I have been posting here for several months under another username. I value the input of fellow posters, and need some advice of a very personal nature. I have been debating this for a while, and am just too nervous to post this under my usual username. I uterly and truly swear to the board administration that this is the ONE and ONLY time I will post using this name. Please deactivate this name when you see this, but please leave the thread active so I can get much needed advice.
My husband and I have been together for about nine years. We have no children, and find ourselves in a strange situation. We love each other. Neither one of us has any doubts about that. The problem is how much do we like each other. The last nine years have had their shares of ups and downs. We met at Cornell when we were sophmores. We dated through three years of college and two more years afterwards before we married. We have been married four years. The problem that we have is that we have nine years of ingrained patterns of reaction to each other. Too many times we fall into a pattern of sniping and fighting with each other, just because one or both of us are tired of stressed. We have been going to a marriage counselor for a while, and when we are with him, it is clear to both of us what we are doing wrong. Normally, after a session, we are careful for a day or so, but shortly we fall into the old pattern of act/react, push each others buttons. We also seem to have fewer and fewer shared interests these days. I like to watch TV or go to pubs, he always wants to go to the movies or go for a bike ride through Central Park.
We are also dealing with nine years of fallout. When we were in college, we both liked to party on weekends. Now, he seems to view that as something no longer apropriate. True, I don’t want to do like I did in school, but once in a while, I would love to go out, have some wine, and sing bad Karioke. Hell, once in a great while, it might be fun to just get plastered! He dosen’t agree at all. When we do go out, he acts so nevous about what I’ll do that it ruins a good time. I can’t have one or two drinks without him worring that I’ll flash the bar and get arrested. ( Which happened once. Six years ago. I was a kid.)
Money is also a problem. A few years ago, as we started our careers, money was tight. Real tight. He has always been much more concerned with not spending it than I. Back then it was a blessing. Now, we’re doing just fine financialy. We are about a month ahead on ALL our bills, each month we send $7-900 towards our debt, and still have money in the bank and retirement funds, yet the other day when I bought a new book, he questioned why I was “wasting” money. This just drives me nuts! Why else do we work so hard if not to get things we like?
I could go on, but you get the idea. I am by no means innocent here. I am sure he could post a laundry list of things I do that make him nuts. When we try to deal with them, we both seem to get our backs up about “control” rather than accepting the other for who he is. In this, I am much worse about being controled and much more accepting of him, and vice-versa. The problem, I am wrestling with is this: We love each other. About that there is NO question. My delema is: How good a marriage are we going to be able to make? I DON’T want to be one of those couples who stays together for years and years in a marriage that isn’t fun, but merely tolerable. I suggested two days ago that maybe we should take a slight break from each other.( this has nothing to do with sex) I suggested sub-letting a place on a month to month basis, while continuing to talk and work in counseling. I said this in the belief that one of two things would happen. The time apart would cause us to realize how important we are to each other, and give us both a new perspective on each other,without the day to day pressures we deal with now, or we would realize that we’re better off apart. (God, I hope it’s the former.) What followed was two not very plesant days. Tears(on both sides), Anger, hurt, promises to change, pleas to work on things, fights, etc… Tonight he aparently decided that the problems are all his fault(wish I was cold-hearted enough to take advantage of THAT one!;)), and has been very loving and atentative to me. He just dosen’t understand that it’s not about that at all! He wants to know why I’m so quiet. Well, I’m still thinking, damnit! I just don’t know what to do. I Love this man. I want kids, a long life and a twin burial plot together, but I don’t want to be miserable, and I don’t want to settle for a tolerable situation. I’m no Polyanna, expecting a marriage to be happy and fun 100% of the time, but 75%'s not too much to expect, is it? When there are no problems, and we’re meshing, I walk around on clouds. Unfortunately, that’s happening less than half the time. Does anyone have any advice?
Again, I apologise to the administrators for breaking the rules. It will not happen again.