When threads don't fit perfectly in any forum, can there be a little more leeway?

Reference: Jon Stewart returns to The Daily Show! - #76

This thread is in Cafe Society, but it references a political comedy show. Because it’s a comedy show, Cafe Society makes sense; but because it’s so political, political commentary is appropriate.

The thread is getting heavily moderated to remove political commentary. I’m wondering whether it’d be better to allow relevant political commentary in that thread–i.e., to discuss how Stewart’s commentary on the election might affect the election. This is different from normal CS threads, where political commentary is off-limits, but I think it’d make most sense in this sort of thread.

The OP chose to put that thread in Cafe Society (unless I missed where it got moved), and the original post wasn’t remotely political. So if there’s so much political commentary in that thread that it fits better in Politics & Elections, does that mean that it has drifted into being a fundamentally different kind of thread than the OP intended?

I would put all Daily Show threads in the Politics and Elections forum. Especially in an election year. It’s hard to imagine any discussions of the Daily Show not becomiung pretty political, since that’s the whole point of the show. And anyone interested in the show is likely browsing P&E anyway.

Otherwise, trying to police ‘political content’ from ‘content that’s political, but talked about in the context of an entertainment show’ seems pretty futile.

Or maybe, if you want to discuss a comedian on the show, or production values, or Jon Stewart’s delivery, maybe just put “Daily Show (non-political)” in the title if it goes in Cafe society, then make any political commentary at all out of bounds in that thread.

There is a P&E thread now and a Pit thread now.
One thread in the Cafe to talk about the show and not politics needs to be allowed.

So my answer to the OP, is no.

If you want a politics thread put it in P&E.

Here is the Pit thread:

Fair enough–I didn’t think it was appropriate for P&E, but if it is, that settles it. Thanks!