Since you work so close to our house, we thought it would be a great idea for you to stop by and have a beer after work sometime. The local brewery tasting room is a great place, too, maybe we could go there instead! What we did NOT mention was that maybe you could bring over a blind date that you’ve been messaging with on the internet, nor did we say we wanted to meet at the fuckin’ shitty Brewpub downtown. We did NOT say we wanted to have dinner with you and your blind date. When I squirm around this issue twelve times to avoid coming right out and say “No, we don’t want to come along on your blind date” you just completely avoid the topic and suggest yet another restaurant in town we could all meet at. Fuck off! Let’s have a beer, not go on a date! We wanted to see YOU, not be the judging comittee on your potential new boyfriend.
::stalks back into oblivion::
Hey, Jar, wanna go grab a beer after work?
(sorry, I couldn’t resist)
I got a friend who pulls this bullshit from time to time. Maybe we set up a time to have lunch together, and then when he shows, he’s got some dweeb in tow that puts a totally different spin on the situation. Or, we decide to meet for a beer after work, and when I show, he’s got a wife with him. Jesus takes a shit, man! If I wanted to socialize wif yo’ wife, I woulda just said so! I think part of this can be attributed to people who want to multitask with their social life, combined with a missing part of their brain. “Hey, I can meet up with my buddy, AND take care of this lady who wants to go to lunch, ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Ain’t I the clever one!”. Well, no you’re not, moron. And if you don’t get it, I don’t wanna be your teacher.
Or, maybe not. The sedative just kicked in. The more the merrier, I always say.