Where are my sunglasses?

I can’t find my favorite sunglasses. :worried: They’re very cool vintage Wayfarers, so not easy to replace. I don’t wear them often, and I’m sure I wouldn’t have come home without them, so maybe they’re here somewhere. I’ve looked in the drawer where I usually keep them and on the desk and in a few other places where I might have left them on my way in, but no luck. Where could they be? Any ideas?


Crown of your head? Back of your head?

Between your driver’s seat and the center console. That’s where I found mine when they were missing for awhile.

I must retrace my steps when this happens to me, which it often does. Without thinking, you took them off and set them down. Go back to your car and retrace your steps. You may have to return to your office if you’re not sure you wore them home.

I used to lose my car keys and finally broke down and bought a keychain holder that hangs on the wall with hooks. When I return home, I always put my keys there, and I haven’t misplaced them in 45 years.

Yep, I often set things down in random spots, especially when I’m distracted, and then can’t find them. @MagicEyes , retrace your steps and take note of all random horizontal surfaces in the area where you could have set them down.

Nice OP username / post combo, btw.

And look in places they couldn’t possibly be, like in the trash can or between the cushions of your couch.

If you have cats, best of luck. My two furry nuisances will look me right in the eye as they’re pushing things off flat surfaces, and they ignore their own toy basket in favor of swiping stuff of mine. Writing implements I’m actively using at the time are particular favorites.

Also try the unlikely spots. I’ve found stuff in rooms I was sure I hadn’t gone into while holding that item (e.g. the bathroom), and have heard of people finding keyrings, remotes, etc. in the refrigerator or freezer.

Thank you all for the suggestions! I don’t wear these sunglasses when I’m driving, so they’re not in the car. I usually put them in the case in a drawer, but it’s entirely possible I took them off and put them down somewhere else, but it’s not an obvious place. Like on top of the fridge. That is the kind of thing I would do, but they’re not there.

The Sunglasses
I would rather not have to spend that much on a new pair.

Mine are usually in my wife’s car. But I doubt you left them in there.

Think about where you would put something to guaranty remembering where you put it. They’re there.

Seanette, I don’t have cats (or any other pets), so I only have myself to blame. I used to have a ghost that stole remotes, but I think I left that behind when I moved, so there’s probably nothing paranormal happening, if you believe in that kind of thing.

Or IN the fridge!

Don’t you know the universal law of sunglasses?

Expensive pair = lost or broken within 2 weeks of getting them

Cheap, sub $20 pair of sunglasses = will last for many years

I checked the couch cushions, and they’re not hiding in there. I also checked the bed, which is not likely, but I could have put them down there and then forgot to put them away. They could be in the bathroom, but I have many shelves, and I don’t see them in there.

Next to the sink? Top of the toilet?

Check the kitchen counter or wherever else you might set things down if you’re coming in in a hurry?

I’ve left mine on top of a flat surface in the garage before – after doing yard work or some two-minute task in the garage.

If you don’t wear them while driving, the garage might not be a logical early place to look, but …

And if you don’t have a garage … my suggestion becomes a whole lot less probable :wink:

I don’t have a garage, so that’s one less place to check. I’ve looked in the kitchen (fridge, freezer, drawers) and on the dryer. It could have slipped under something (I’ve looked around the desk in case it fell on the floor, but no luck).

I found them!! :sunglasses: I was trying to remember what I did the last time I wore them. It was on Halloween. I came home from the coffee shop, and I took my candy bowl downstairs for my neighbors. Of course that’s where I left them. I did look there before, but they were standing upright so I didn’t see them. Thank you all for the suggestions!

I’ve misplaced my Oakley OO sunglasses with the Iridium lenses, that I bought in the '90s. I like them so much I almost never wear them, but I’ve been wanting to recently. I’ve been wearing my Oakley Eye Jacket sunglasses (also bought in the '90s) on my walks, because they don’t slip off my head.

Generally I wear a pair of HGU-4Ps, or Ray-Ban Aviators. Got lots of those.

I can stop looking.