Or are you waiting for the extended version?
Overstock.com has it for $16.97, either letterbox or full screen. I couldn’t resist.
Or are you waiting for the extended version?
Overstock.com has it for $16.97, either letterbox or full screen. I couldn’t resist.
Ayyyiiiee! You got it already!? I am counting the days til Sam’s or Costco has it. Shouldn’t be much longer now…
I prepaid $30 at Blockbuster (I know…) and got 7 free rentals (1 a week for 7 weeks). That’s a $5.50 DVD.
No, I don’t have it yet. I pre-ordered it. garius has it already.
Actually that wouldn’t be such a bad deal. However the Lyllyan family seems to have developed a strange gene that makes it impossible to return a tape/game/book on time.
Right now I’m planning on getting it at Wal-Mart. If, however, I can find an unscrupulous merchant willing to sell it to me earlier, I’m going for it, even at a higher price.
Yeah, I have no will power.
I for one won’t wait for an extended version. I’m not a huge fan of extras so the orginal versions suit me fine. I’ll probably get it at best buy, the first DVD was only $14 something last year.
Since there are no blockbusters within a distance I’d be willing to travel more than once in a week, I don’t find that offer very tempting (besides DVDS, including new releases are $1 on Tuesdays at my favorite video store anyway, so I wouldn’t be saving anything, would I?)
I’ve ordered it from Columbia House. I was planning on waiting for the extended but they sent out the directors selection thingy for this month and it was TTT. How could I actually say no to The Two Towers?!
So anyway I’ll get this version and then I’ll order the extended as well. I already own 3 copies of The Fellowship so why not multiple copies of the Two Towers? Never know when one might break or somethin’…
Yes I’m a geeky fan girl.
Wal-Mart—they always have it a couple bucks cheaper.
And yes, I intend to buy both versions.
I use Deep Discount DVD .
Love that free shipping.
I’m doing the same deal as Munch. Blockbuster ran a similar (slightly better) deal last year for FOTR. Best way for me to justify getting the theatrical version AND the Extended Edition is to point out that I’m getting the theatrical version almost for free. grins
I’m getting the widescreen at Wal-Mart, and have pre-ordered the extended version through amazon.com. I LOVE the extras; as a longtime Tolkien addict, some of my favorite scenes were cut from the released version but are included in the extra. Gotta, gotta, gotta have them!!
We’re doing the Blockbuster deal, too. There’s always a rental or three every time we go in there so it’s a good deal for us.
Of course, we increased our cable to digital with almost all of the movie channels so we wouldn’t have to rent anymore…ahhhh, the best laid plans…
Just going to rent the theatrical version- I’m saving my cash for the Extended Edition this time around. Last year, I made the mistake of buying the theatrical edition of “Fellowship,” only to be horrified when my friends showed me the Extended Edition. As someone who loves behind-the-scenes extras, I found the Extended Edition of “Fellowship” vastly superior to the DVD I’d purchased (and the fact that the new scenes aren’t too shabby didn’t hurt one bit ;)).
Needless to say, I’m not making THAT mistake again in a hurry.
I’ve preordered it from Suncoast for $20, but I have a $5-off coupon. I’ll pick it up Tuesday on the way home from work.
I’ve also preordered the extended edition from them.
Last year, I waited and only bought the extended edition of FOTR, which I do think is much better. However, one of my brothers gave me the theatrical version for Xmas, and I discovered that I liked having a second copy around for comparision. Also, it’s nice to have the DVD in the office to watch over lunch, and make wallpaper. So, with TTT, I decided I might as well get both.
I am constantly surprised at statements like this.
How could anyone have missed the fact that there were going to be two versions released (three if you count the bookend statuettes)? It was in press releases, previews, reviews, and the official site - it was everywhere!
The idea is you get both! The theatrical version for the “time is short, let’s watch a quick movie” situations, plus the simple family-friendly “this is a process called bluescreen” extras. And the preview for Return of the King.
And then you get the fully featured superduper edition, for the fact that it has the bits put back in that fill in some gaps, or include a lot of the dialogue and storylines from the book. And of course the 6000 hours of extras (that are not repeated from the other version) and the 4 full length scene-specific commentaries.
The choice is obvious - you have no choice!
Re: the OP. I have ordered it already from my usual source, I don’t care about getting good price deals.
Other than a few scenes where the music is shifted, I can’t think of a one. Care to elaborate?
I’ve had it for two weeks already.
Is there a “Smug Git” smiley?
I was wondering if you were going to wander in here to gloat. Has Mrs. Garius forgiven you yet?
So garius, do you have a friend who owns a store, or did you grab it off the truck or what? Can we, your close personal friends, each have a copy?
I’ve been planning to wait for the EE, but I will be flying to China the week of Sept 8 and I’m thinking maybe I need the TR to fill the hours.