Someone talking on the cell phone while carrying on a conversation with the check out lady…GAH! I wanted to punt this woman across the store.
Cable guys and the like who work outside for a while and then come in with mud on their shoes. Special place in hell and all that…
As trivial and as obvious as this is, it really bothers me when people don’t do two things:
- Hold the door for others, irregardless of gender.
- Stay out of other people’s way. This takes multiple forms, from the shopping cart in the middle of the aisle, to drivers that travel the same speed side by side on a highway, to walking as a group strung across the entire sidewalk.
Not earth-shattering, nor inexcusable in many circumstances, but it would be so nice if people would make the tiniest effort to acknowledge that the world doesn’t revolve around them.
Or when, like yesterday, some impatient cuntrag decides that I’m not moving fast enough at the salad bar(as she told me “I don’t get everything, I’m here for the soup”), and jumps ahead of me, getting in between my wife and myself.
Honestly, it was the end of the stupid salad bar-I was spooning a couple fucking croutons onto my plate. THen I had to wedge myself in between her and my wife over her soup explanations and such.
People who don’t leave grocery carts in their proper places. Would the walk across three parking spaces kill you?
Once I met this fellow at a wine and cheese. We went to the 2nd Cup afterwards, and as soon as he sat down, he pulled out his cellphone and called a friend to find out if they could make a subsequent engagement.
People who talk with their mouths full or chew with their mouths open. WTF?
Don’t wear hats inside nice restaurants, but especially don’t wear <i>cowboy</i> hats. That’s for Applebee’s and Chili’s.
For crying out loud, would it kill some people to keep their elbows off the table and use a napkin once in a while?! I loathe nothing more than when a meal companion has his or her face slathered with barbeque/taco/pizza/whatever sauce and crumbs while I’m trying to enjoy my meal. Disgusting. :mad:
People at grocery stores who decide they don’t want some perishable item after all, and instead of putting it back, or at least giving it to a clerk, just chuck it on a shelf. I’ve found dried out raw meat, dairy products, you name it, sitting with the canned goods. What the fuck, people?
Oh, and don’t throw your lit cigarettes into the bushes when you’re done with them. Please.
It is astounding how many tobacco users tend to belive that the world is their own personal ashtray/spitoon. I remember when i work at the hardware department at Sear, we sometimes had to clean tool bins that someone had decided to spit some "chaw" into. You had to empty the bin, clean each wrench, or whatever, clean the bin, replace items.
My sister-in-law (21 years old) chews with her mouth open, smacks her lips, eats with her fingers, and then leaves her dirty dishes at the table when she’s done for someone else to clean up.
I’m going to strangle her.
Gah! :smack:
It is regardless or irrespective. “irregardless” is not a word!
I think it’s perfectly cromulent.
People are swearing too much. I cringe at some of the conversations that go on loudly in public, while there are little kids nearby. Hell, while anyone is nearby! Don’t they hear themselves?
People living in a dorm (but I suppose it applies to apartments, etc), and play really loud music. Anytime, but I find this particularly annoying at, say, 8 AM on a Saturday morning. I understand the appeal of loud music, sure, but I also understand the appeal of headphones! :mad:
The practice of changing Baby on the restaurant table. No, it’s not somehow less offensive to do it on the booth seat.
The dumping of disposable diapers onto the sidewalk or parking lot. It’s no less offensive than an adult’s having taken a dump there.
People who obviously can’t stand the smell of the $0.99/pack floor-sweepings-in-a rolling- paper “cigarettes” they’re smoking. These people inevitably smoke these things with all their car windows open so that I can sit at stoplights next to them and share in the nastiness. I don’t smoke, but I’m not militant. Smoke something that smells good in my presence. (Cannabis is OK.)
The dumping of cigarette butts, cigar butts, pipe tappings, onto parking lots and walkways is offensive to me.Also, if your justification for pitching that apple core out the window is to “return it to the earth”, make sure it hits the earth and not the pavement.
The practice of wasting precious recording space on one’s answering machine with 5-minute political ads. Why can’t these people give a brief message expressing their regret at not finding you home and giving a callback number?
I’m not the only headphone-wearing freak. Yay!
Odd that I did not know that. Consider it removed from my vocabulary and yourself thanked.
Guilty as charged…and no, I don’t hear it any more. I am, however, trying to edit what comes out more carefully because, like most things, it’s simply a habit. Go me!