Where in the world is Matt Lauer?

Never mind Lauer… Garrison &$#%* Keillor???

I’ll look forward to being interviewed by RickJay in my House Leadership post…

Garrison Keillor.

As much as I disapprove of inappropriate behavior, I see a danger that there is a possibility that the pendulum can swing too far the other way. I hope there were appropriate investigations before firing the latest two.

We may need another forum for sexual offender du jour.

I like the guy who called in to a local talk show this morning and said it was clear the liberals were out to get Matt Laurer because he had failed to be deferential enough to Hillary in an interview during the campaign.

I had proposed an omnibus Sexual Harasser of the Day thread but that failed to materialize. Instead we did get a confessional/self-examination thread that had promise but seems to have died out, and the “f*** your apologies” “Slimy Men’s Slimy Words” thread which has taken a turn much for the better as it has gone along.

Is there a committee I’m unaware of? If you want to start a thread go ahead. If others want to start threads about individual stories they can as well.

Funny thing about pendulums is that they can’t swing any further than the limits of the swing on the other side. In fact, they lose a little momentum and distance in every swing. Therefore, no matter how discomfiting it might be to men to see their compatriots fall, kindly keep in mind that it will never match the damage done to the victims. I’m really okay with every goddamned man who treated those with less power “inappropriately,” especially with regards to sexual harassment, taking a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut into an overstuffed minefield. If men experience a fair amount of fear while just existing in the world because they never know what action of theirs might trigger a horrendously unpleasant response, well, good. Welcome to our world.

I agree with much of that. It is all good that people are finally taking women seriously and respecting their right to work in a safe environment. But there is also the possibility that men can be unjustly accused and railroaded out of employment without due process.

Oh, you mean the way women have been, for daring to report the shitty behavior of co-workers and bosses? The way actresses have been labelled “difficult” and their careers ended because they refused to give a producer a BJ? The way teenaged girls have been labelled “sluts” because boys lied and said they fucked them? You mean like that? Yeah, I have no fucks to give. Life is unfair, too bad so sad.

Oh, I’ve read blind items and heard rumors about Matt Lauer for YEARS. It’s no surprise, except that I thought he was invincible.

Serves him right. I loved the Today Show years ago, they actually did send off a big happy family vibe. I thought it was happy people doing a job they loved - well, I suppose it was, with backbiting, feuds, and sexual assault…Disgusting. Then they canned Ann Curry, and I stopped watching morning tv altogether, except to check out their costumes on Halloween morning

I keep thinking about a few weeks ago when Matt Lauer asked Jon Stewart about the Louis C.K. story.


LOL ! I was thinking this too about Ann Curry . I never likes the arrogant SOB and thought he was way over rated.

Washington Post report indicates that there was a month long investigation before Garrison Keillor was terminated.

It sounds like Matt Lauer’s employer moved quickly once formally notified (as far as we know), but that there was a pattern of behavior that had been rumored for some time, and that was being investigated by other media outlets. This almost certainly means we’ll learn more in the days to come.

now who are we going to be looking at for hours on end waiting for NBC to show 2 minutes of olympic coverage?

He once gave a sex toy as a gift and he could lock his office door without getting up from his desk.


You mad, Bro?

Wow! Those lucky gals!

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for my previous statements. I was attempting levity at an extremely uncomfortable moment, in a very inappropriate manner, and I in no way meant to offend most people.

I laughed, so I’m right there with you.

But surely remote door locks are not standard equipment for executive offices? I’d hate to see that requisition form.

Actually, that doesn’t sound that improbable as a security feature.

In the “unfortunate coincidence” department, I just paused on an episode of South Park playing on Comedy Central. A couple of minutes after I stop on it, this scene takes place:

CARTMAN: Let’s go crazier than that! I mean,you have to act like it’s freakin’ Leonardo Di Caprio! BEBE: We wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if Leonardo Di Caprio came walking past us.
THE OTHER GIRLS: Yeah. CARTMAN: Fine! Who would you go crazy for? THE GIRLS: …Matt Lauer. CARTMAN: …Okay, fine! Pretend that we’re Matt Lauer.

I remember a particular segment interviewing Anne Hathaway which seemed inappropriate on his part: Anne Hathaway Owns Creepy Matt Lauer - YouTube
He brought up an accidental upskirt picture taken of her by starting the interview with “seen an awful lot of your lately” and pressed the matter even if it made her uncomfortable. She did a great job of bringing it back to the topic of the movie she was promoting which was the reason for the interview.

It’s good to know that some investigations (in addition to Mueller’s) can be carried on without the details being leaked to the public prematurely.