Where is my CD walkman?
I had it a couple weeks ago at work because I wanted to get an adapter to plug into the cassette player in my car. I finally got around to getting the adapter, and now I can’t find the CD player.
$10 Cinemark or Blockbuster card for whoever finds it.
Did you look under the seats in the car? Or how about under the bed?
Do you know where my digital camera is?
It’s in the third drawer of the dresser.
For future reference it’s hard to lose something if you store it in a strange place. For example, I used to keep my keys and wallet in the Freezer. I never forgot where I put them. 
Hmmm . . . maybe your CD walkman and my CD walkman ran away together?
and met up with mine…They are having a big party.
You left it in a field. Unfortunately it’s been rained on already. Perhaps a couple days ago, you saw something in the sky, looked up, and dropped it.
This is, of course, pulled out of my ass… and the I-Ching.
Good luck.
Check in the little tray that the HR manager insists is where your keyboard belongs but you cant stand using. That is where I typically lose thigs.
Either that or it is in the same drawer that you throw your direct deposit slips in, buried under them.
…and the winner is…Lyllyan, with the closest guess. I found it in my wife’s car, in the pocket behind the passenger seat.
Bruce_Daddy came next closest with “1987? ,”. The car she is currently using is a 1998 VW Jetta. If I’d left it in my car, an '89 Cavalier Z24, I’d have to split the prize between you two.
World Eater had a decent guess with the freezer. It’s been in the car for weeks (I remember, now, putting it there), and it’s been 10-15 degrees here lately.
Phnord Prephect eliminated himself from contention as soon as he mentioned rain. We’ve only been getting solid precipitation, if any, for the last few weeks.
Papaveraceae, I checked those drawers 5 times before I posted. I still hold out hope that the likelihood of something reappearing increases proportionately with the number of times one opens the same drawer.
Thank you all for being contestants. (cue cheezy game show music) It was a well played game. Lyllyan, feel free to e-mail me so I can get your prize in the mail. You could probably use a movie while your jams cool. Come back and join us again for a future episode of (cue crowd) “Where Did Casey Put It?” (cue applause and outro music…and we’re clear.)
Ah yes, but what about the CD inside the discman?
Where did that go?
I say the silverware drawer.
I don’t even have silverware in my silverware drawer sometimes.
So you want a bonus round? OK, why not. Winner gets the gift card Lyllyan doesn’t select. Either the $10 Blockbuster card or $10 Cinemark card.
The CD was still in it. What CD was it?
Diana Krall Live In Paris

:Googles Diana Krall:
opens page… Good heavens, Miss Sakamoto! She’s beautiful!!! Off to Amazon.com to give her a listen. Thanks.