Which Dopers Would You Like To See Run For President?

In no particular order:
Little Nemo
Wesley Clark

Der Thris, Clothahump, adaher, Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor, CK Dexter Haven, Rachellelogram, MeanOldLady, Nzinga, Seated, Lobohan, GIGOBuster, ducati, GunsNSpot, Skald the Rhymer, Qadgop the Mercotan, AprilR, askthepizzaguy, Rand Rover, kanicbird, steophan, silenus, Tripolar, lekatt, Professor Pepperwinkle, Little Nemo, swampbear, Magiver, magellan01.

Probably a few more but those are the names that came to mind for who I would like to see RUN for president (not necessarily actually become president though).

drewtwo99’s list would certainly make for some interesting debates, with candidates ranging from “smarter than Al Gore but more charming” to “makes Rick Perry look sane.” (Not that I’m naming any names.)

What about elucidator? Or should he just be a commentator? Hmm… I have the format for the debate: Two main panels, representing the Leftish versus the Rightish. (More colorful descriptions reserved for another forum.) Then a third group to provide comment–rather like Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Cecil Adams, of course.

Snowboarder Bo.

Fuck yea!

willy nelson because he’s a cool doper and looks a bit like uncle sam or colonel sanders.

I’ll vote for anyone who puts Stranger on a Train in charge of our space program.

He could be a Secretary. In charge of a very specialized niche of American activities.

Well, let’s just get this outa the way early on. I hereby state, and mean all that I say, that I never have been and never will be a candidate for President; that if nominated by either party, I should peremptorily decline; and even if unanimously elected I should decline to serve.


People usually only say this when they’ve already hired all the best election staffers and have the colors picked for the signs.

That’s the ticket.



For entertainment value, you mean?

He already ran.

Aren’t they (except XT) all a bit liberal for you? I’ve noticed that your views have skewed way left of where they did when you arrived - which is perhaps unsurprising - but I didn’t realized you’d moved that far left. Or are you just saying you’d like to see them campaign?

We should really have a Doper Cabinet thread.

If elected, I promise to model my Administration on the papacy of Alexander Borgia! :smiley:

That ought to sew up the religious voters . . .

Well…most of the names mentioned are definitely long-winded enough to run for office.

Best presidential debate ever.

I vehemently categorically deny your implications and defer further questions to my staff. Thank you.

No votes for me? Sigh. You’d think a chocolate bar that could post messages would be highly praised.

Anyway, if this is meant to be a sort-of serious thread, I’d nominate SenorBeef. That guy seems like a real pragmatist.