i say star wars is better
Which is better: haggis or lutefisk?
Here’s a question for you:
Which is better, stoning or hanging?
Not that you get a choice, just wanted to give you an idea of what’s coming.
Which is better?
An Ewok or a Tribble?
(base your answer on the cuteness factor)
They both seem pretty ugly to me, but them Ewoks is good eatin’!
Since I’ve always detested all things Star Trek and think it’s the most over-rated television show and franchise EVER, my answer should be obvious, even though I don’t like Star Wars nearly as much as I did when the first trilogy was released.
What’s this? A serious answer?
I’ve got enough stones here for you too, buddy!
Or cut bait?
Well, Star Trek has the more socially stunted followers, the “Trekkies”.
Is there a name for Star Wars moro…err… fans ?
Which tastes better?
Fried Ewok or Roasted Ewok?
The side dishes are entirely up to you.
Jedi Masters.
Don’t mess with us. We’ll knock you into next millenium without so much as a flick of a finger.
Red Dwarf.
To quote from it: “Don’t give me any of that Star Trek crap, it’s too early in the morning.”
Trekkies may be more socially stunted, but they aren’t nearly this deluded . . .
That’s Trekkers!
at least we have our own Trek Doper™ smiley:
::waves hand:: These aren’t the droids–er, Star Wars is the superior…
I think it’s no contest.
The Enterprise-D would lob a photon torpedo down the exhaust port before the Death Star could rotate into position to fire its Superlaser at the starship. Trek in one round, by a knockout.
Star Wars has…well…the Death Star. We can blow up a planet with the push of a button.
Babylon 5