This thread is being created to debate various subjects on which is better; (ex: Chocolate or Vanilla, Coke or Pepsi, Blondes or Brunettes). Feel free to post your questions and then let the fun begin.
We already have forums that handle this quite sufficiently, thank you.
There’s no debate. Pepsi is better than Coke.
Moving to IMHO from Great Debates.
Blondes are better than Vanilla Coke.
I am better than you.
Chocolate coke brunettes are best.
No, chocolate-covered dwarfs are.
Which would be better, sliding naked down a giant straight-edged razor into a giant vat of rubbing alcohol? Or spending an hour in Oklahoma City?
A brand new razor, or an old rusty razor?
The rustiest ever. But with a fresh hone.
Yeah, on planet No Taste
Which is better, Lay’s Potato Chips or Doritos?
Chicken Cacciatore Florentine or Spam ala Orange (with pickles!)?
Would you rather be a hobo with a 5% chance of gettin’ inherited by a rich guy, or be Hitler two years before the end of World War II? 'Cuz you know you gonna have to shoot yourself but you still got two more years as Hitler. (from Family Guy.)
This post serves two purposes, first to be funny, second to Godwin the thread.
Which is noisier: the sound of one hand clapping, or a tree falling in the wood when no one’s there?
I don’t care if he was first. Mike is better than Joel.
Kirk is better than Picard any day.
Sorry, Archer beats them both.