Which Party Has the Mobs?

Of course Democrats show the highest potential for creating a mob. Republicans are more geographically dispersed and do not participate in large scale alcoholic binges like the Democratic college mob fodder.

“Why are you all so mad that the side I agree with is actively killing people on your side? Why can’t we all just get along?”
We’re not talking about nuts - we’re talking about terrorists. Why do you insist on siding with Y’all Qaeda?

I’ve said for years that the world would be a better place if everyone would just shut the hell up and do what I tell them. :stuck_out_tongue:

You really are aggressively fucking stupid, aren’t you? Is the condition painful, or more like your skull is shot full of lidocaine?

Numbers as of July 5, 2018. Click and scroll.

I’d be curious to see what this would look like from the other side, as well.

For those who don’t want to click, the number that Breitbart came up with is 632 “acts of media-approved violence and harassment against trump supporters”, whatever that is, exactly. :rolleyes:

If we count every post/writing/interview from just Milo Yannapolis (sp?), Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and Donald Trump, I bet we get more than 632 of the same, providing anyone can make sense of the category.

Well, first you’d have to find the left-wing equivalent of breitbart, so… good luck with that.

Monkeys and simians, heed my screech! The honest thing to do is admit that the other tribe has some moves that work. Quit being so proud and do a little monkey see, monkey do! If these little rhymes are so persuasive, make our own.

What do you think of:

Republicans are terrorists, Democrats are hilarious.

Got anything reputable? I don’t read bullshit from white supremacists.

See. Not a mob. Just an angry fat guy.

Potential mobs. They sound scary.

Kentucky Derby or any Nascar- hell any racing- event.

Proof the Tea Party didn’t exist and was a fabrication of the Conservative Media.

After all, if the Republicans are too geographically isolated to come together in a mob, they can’t come together with teabags on their hats to protest [del]Black people in office[/del] taxes which aren’t that high, historically speaking.

Well, then, you might as well put magellan01 on ignore.

You have to wear rubber-soled shoes around them. They’re always looking for a path, you just don’t want it to be through you.

I was just thinking to myself about how long Scylla was going to last. Then he goes and quits on us because we use facts and he doesn’t.

I wish I could believe it was.

This isn’t the first time a republican has had a hard time distinguishing between potential things and real things - it comes up in the abortion debate all the time.

Oh ok. So when Republicans get drunk, they behave like civilized individuals and don’t burn cars. Thanks for the correction, bud.

Smedium political rallies are not mobs. Throngs of drunken vandals and rock-throwers are mobs.

Real deal modern mobs are manifested in densely populated areas. College post-game celebrations, urban riots, and urban “protests” are the key sources of mobbery in recent American history.

Please point to a recent specific event in which a Republican mob formed. Let’s say we go back 10-20 years.

Hmm. I identified it as a potential thing, so how did I fail to distinguish.

Please send smarter party hacks.

Seems there was a little disturbance in Charlottesville a year back or so. You might have heard about it.

And anyone who believes all college students are Democrats has obviously never been in a fraternity. They’ve even been known to get drunk occasionally.