Which Star Trek TNG Movie...?

Which Star Trek TNG movie begins with Picard, Worf and Data in a “dune buggy” on an alien planet?


Thank you!! :smiley:

The worst one.

Debatable. I’d nominate Insurrection.

I am B4.

It’s bad, but none were particularly good. It actually makes it to second place for me. Insurrection is the worst, Generations follows that, then Nemesis and finally, the only good/decent one, First Contact.

I am a heretic; I think Nemesis is underrated and First Contact is overrated. I am not saying Nemesis is great and FC is bad but Nem is better than it gets credit for and FC is not as good, IMO.

That said, the Dune Buggy stuff is dumb.

This one’s a bit of a JFGI. If you type star trek next generation dune buggy picard data worf into Google you get the answer.

One of the weird things in the JJ Abrams reboot was keeping this idea of people being amazed by (what to them would be) really old technology as “exciting”.

Kirk stealing a classic car (or Picard tooling around on a dune buggy) would be the equivalent of one of us riding a horse. Fun, perhaps, as a novelty… perhaps even a memorable experience, but not a WHEEEEEEEE!!!

Given what we know about the bridge of the Enterprise, they would have been baffled by the car’s seatbelts.

Actually, I think a lot of that would be perception of speed. When you’re low to the ground, a fairly slow speed seems much faster.

Plus, there’s the novelty factor. To take your example of a horse, riding at full gallop tends to be more exciting than a lot of people might think.