Who are the Oregon Dopers?!

Hey all,
As you may have seen (or not) in my last thread, we have landed in Eugene, Oregon. Where are the Oregon Dopers around here? Please check in! Thanks, ggurl.

Checking in as requested. Now, would you Eugenians please keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep.

Yo. I think I’m the only BendDoper. Not too surprising- it’s not a large town.

[SUB]When you’re the only Doper in town, EVERY lunch is a DopeFest![/SUB]

Pft. Figures. I ask if anyone’s interested in an Oregon 'fest and get silence in return but a girl (or gurl) starts a similar thread and it gets replies.

Oh, and I’m in the Salem area.

Well, duh. She’s a girl, she’s inherently more interesting than you or I are. :slight_smile:

[SUB]That, and I must’ve missed your call for a OreDopeFest. Sorry.[/SUB]

Lightning, someone must have failed to tell you the rules. We DO NOT TALK TO THE SALEMITES! :wink:


Whoops, I thought my location was shown. :smack:

I’m in Portland.

I’m in Kansas, but I’ll be in Portland next year.

Does Mockingbird still post? He’s in Corvallis, or was last time I knew.

They’re a basketball team fronting Chinese gymnasts.

Yeah, I totally read the thread title as “Organ Donors.”

Carry on.

I’m from Portland.

Checking in from Portland.

I posted it a couple days ago and then bumped it the next day when no one replied and this was my smooth attempt at seeing if it was just overlooked or if there’s just no interest since it went with no replies the second time as well.

And, TimeWinder, I need to stay local to keep my job but if you can somehow convince Master Control and Gr8Kat to move to Eugene or Portland, I won’t mind.

Hey All!!!

I’m so excited to see so many Dopers whose names I know that are also from around here. Aesiron, sorry for inadvertently stealing your thunder! Oregon Dopefest, anyone?

Oh, and TimeWinder, we’ll turn it down as soon as we can find the volume dial. Then, of course, there’s the impact of turning it down on the environment…



I’m from Portland, but I’m in Seattle right now for college.

Dallas Oregon doper (close to Salem) here, as is my wife, Gr8kat.

I’m in Portland for the moment, but that will change very, very soon (right now I’m here on a month to month thing).