Who made this Keeley Hazell-worn bra?

Does anybody know the designer of this bra: [noparse] http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9324/757803837ee6fe58937.jpg worn [/noparse] by Keeley Hazell (non-nude, but probably too much cleavage for work… broke link anyways.) Thanks!

Can’t identify it, and god knows most lingerie brands are hardly distinct (save for high-end logos and the like), but if you’re looking for something similar I’d try cheapie brand Blush.

Do you have any other photos? It looks like it could be “Insinuate” or maybe “Sawren”.

Not of that bra, although there’s definitely lots of other pictures of Keeley in other nice bras, on GIS… :slight_smile: I’ll check out those two sites, tho.

Thanks Cat Fight, I’m sure it’s impossible to really find out who designed it. But that site looks pretty good.