Who will be Trump's running mate? (J. D. Vance Has Been Chosen)

I think this is from the same interview above. This guy is such a great father. (I might have given him a pass if he hadn’t stressed how important being a parent is).

Once again, life imitates the Simpsons.

He’s certainly a Poison-type.

Also, she’s mostly of Dravidian heritage.

Oh, well, why didn’t you say so? That’s a horse of a different color!

I came here to see comments about JD Vance’s earlier criticism (when running for the US Senate) of Simone Biles for dropping out of the Olympics in 2020 due to mental health issues. It looks like the thread hasn’t covered it yet. From the New York Times

Mr. Vance, during an appearance on Fox News in 2021, questioned why Ms. Biles was receiving acclaim for stepping away from the competition at the Tokyo games.

“I think it reflects pretty poorly on our sort of therapeutic society that we try to praise people, not for moments of strength, not for moments of heroism, but for their weakest moments,” Mr. Vance, who was running for the Senate, said at the time.

We live in a therapeutic society? Could’ve fooled me.

This might play well to the base, I guess. I used to live in the state with, at the time (and I think today), the highest suicide rate in the nation, Wyoming. In fact, my county was #1 for something you don’t want to wear a giant foam finger to celebrate. One reason for this was the prevalent attitude that people with depression should avoid taking “happy pills” and just “cowboy up.”

Why am I picturing that being said by a man who then knocks back a drink?

I’d thought I’d written something about it yesterday, but it turns out it was in the thread about the NBJA/Trump interview. There, i wrote:

Hahaha! Too true!

Thanks! I hadn’t looked for it there.

It’s okay–Vance won’t have to make any decisions. That’s Peter Thiel’s job!

Vance is almost as unqualified as Trump.

LMFAO. In the near future, yes!

Lets be fair- Vance is about as qualified as many Veeps. trump was totally unqualified.

This is an avenue of attack that opens up once Harris picks her Veep. I’d expect that person to start attacking Vance’s scant 2 years in government. Even Buttigieg looks like Winston Churchill compared to how little Vance has done.

I’m truly shocked that republicans would accept such an inexperienced #2, especially given how old their candidate is - he’d turn 80 halfway through his term.

It’s truly a reflection of the cognitive dissonance Trump has caused, and how little importance Vance is given. Plainly, these right wing voters aren’t even conceiving of governing; it’s all about the skill to sling zingers (and dodge barbs, a task that Vance sucks at).

Technically yes he’s about as qualified as, say, Obama, with only a couple of years in the Senate but in public appearances, Vance comes off as such a lightweight.

If we go down that road, then Trump has years of experience as President, and Harris doesn’t. And I don’t think even Trump could make that argument with a straight face.

I was referring only to Vance there. Seriously, he doesn’t come off well when he speaks.

Obama had a year or two more. Plus also 8 years in the ILL state Senate.