Who's got the most cuts/bruises/burns?

I was looking at my hands and marveling at how much I’ve destroyed them since getting a job in a kitchen. I mean, I’ve always been kinda clumsy, but now I’m clumsy and hold a knife all night.

I don’t bruise, so it’s all burns and cuts for me.

One cuts on my left middle finger and two on my left ring finger from using them as the guide fingers for my knife.
A big ol’ gaping hole on my left ring finger where I accidentally chopped off part of my fingernail and a little bit of finger. That was tonight.
A cut on my left pink from accidentally brushing a knife while reaching for some tomatoes.
Huge hole on my left middle finger from where a burn blister popped. I accidentally grabbed a hot pan without a towel. Oops.
Small cut on my left pink finger knuckle from who knows what.
Small cut on my right index finger from who knows what.
Similar small burn mark on my right ring finger
Long burn line on my right forearm from brushing up against a hot pan.

Oh, and let’s limit this to accidental wounds.

I have 5 cardboard cuts on my right hand from trying to tape boxes at work.
I have a cut under my right middle fingernail AND my right thumbnail. I have no idea how they got there.
I have a cut on top of a bump on my right index finger - from bumping it repeatedly on a sharp edge of a machine at work.
I have a large (about 2" long and 1" wide) burn on my right forearm from dumping a bucket of very hot plastic parts (at work). I missed the barrel and got my arm instead.
I have a huge (about 4" all around) bruise on my left shin and I have no clue where it came from and it doesn’t hurt.
I have more bruises than I can count, on both my knees, from kneeling in front of the scale 8 times a day - so I can weigh my shit. They don’t hurt either.

I think that’s it. It’s very possible that there’s more on my back but I can’t see it. I have hit my back a couple times this week.

Okay… let’s see

Pinched finger from weights
Rope burn on palms (it’s from the rail system, I swear!)
Pretty bruise in the shape of a butterfly on my upper arm (not sure how I got that)
Burn from a light on my lower arm
Bunch of cuts all over my hands and arms from various blades in both the shop and model making
Burn on my ear from crawling into a very small space to focus lights
Punctures on my feet from stepping on nails
Scratches on my shoulder and legs from nails sticking out of wood I was moving
Blister on my thumbs from (you guessed it!) lights
Bruise on my leg from suddenly stopping scenery
Scrapped knee

I think I’m going to stop here. See, this is why my former shop teacher often told us we weren’t really doing theatre until we were either bleeding or crying.

scar on my right pointer finger from a knife
scar on the base fo my left thumb shaper like an arrow head from a cressent wrench and a rim iron from a ferris wheele
scar on the front of my left calf form running frorm fire works
scar on left shin jist above my ankle from an exploding glass bottle dry ice + water + glass bottle not good idea a perfectly vertical scar on my left shin from same said explosive
scar on front right shin again from same said explosive
a burn scar from an 86 honda gold wing exust pipe

and to top it off a indentition from nunchucks and my older SB

I ain’t got nuthin’ but one of those splits in the skin from when your hands get really dry. Poked the tip of a knitting needle into it the other day. Dang!

I’ve got nothing but a paper cut that I got when I was studying for my Trig final. The things I do for education… :smiley:

I’ve got a lovely scar in my calf which was the result of being shot. Not too unusual but I live in the UK where it’s more of a novelty. Also got a gash in my side from a bicycle brake lever which went through my side when I was young (2 inch wide, rather untidy). Got plenty on my knuckles where various stupid child-hood activities almost severed some fingers.


RIP Evel Knievel.