Who's the nuttiest GOP candidate?

For some reason I’m thinking of the charming Denise Richards lampooning herself on 30 Rock, standing beside Tracy in 'Idiots Are People Two !'.

However I doubt Mr. Trump sought or was pleased with her endorsement.

Social democracy is loony in no sense whatsoever. When it comes to loony, Cruz is considerably more so – or worse. Much worse.

There is no contradiction. Reindeer will do anything for lutefisk, and I do mean anything. :wink:

You need to follow the news.

Cruz was growing in popularity in a few states and her endorsement was very important to undermine Cruz, Cruz had pointed at the support of Pallin for his successful run to become a senator, Palin then actually did back stab him by supporting Trump and if Trump was not pleased he hides it really well by inviting her to speak at several rallies.

As a gentleman, Mr. Trump was bound to put the best face on it and in no way discommodate a lady. Even a mad lady. A mad lady whose running-mate he had publicly and successfully disparaged along with his war record. A mad lady who makes Hillary look like a good idea. He would have to internalize any distaste and keep quiet on his thoughts.
Good form is all.

No. All the other candidates still think it’s 2005 and that middle and lower-class whites will fall in line to vote for cosmopolitan neoliberalism, gutting the New Deal, and endless foreign wars as long as they utter the right sibboleths about abortion and guns. TRUMP doesn’t, so regardless of anything else, he’s operating in the America of the present not some glorified Reagan-Bushite exurban fantasy.

I think my post is being misread as me seeing TRUMP as somehow never wrong or at least seeing him as right most of the time. That isn’t the case-I’d happily vote for either Clinton or Sanders over TRUMP any day but that doesn’t change the fact that among Republican candidates TRUMP’s policies and more importantly, his sense of what the voters want and need are vastly superior to that of any other individual. To take the example of Climate Change, virtually every other Republican either denies it or effectively poo-poohs it by suggesting we do nothing about it.

If you never respond to another of my posts, please answer me this, Qin: You capitalize Trump’s entire name because that’s that way it appears on all his properties, right? (Doesn’t bother me, btw, I think it’s rather attention-grabbing. Just curious.)

Not highly involved this election cycle, but Rick Perry was/is certainly a contender for the nutty.

No, he’s not smart enough to be crazy. A guitar without strings is never out of tune.

And now he’s at the top of the list of Those Being Spoken Of as the GOP Establishment’s non-Trump candidate at the contested convention.

Yes, he’s the best they can do.

I think he’s basically an asshole at heart, as well as full of himself. So he’s winging it with what he thinks his crowd wants to hear, which is for the security to thump some protesters and/or for him to harangue someone who’s not following the script (so to speak). But that’s neither crazy nor stupid, just jerkish.

Rick Perry isn’t crazy, but he’s an opportunist. There was a fairly noticeable shift right during Perry’s tenure as governor- he and John Cornyn in particular shifted farther right than they’d ever publicly been starting in about 2009-ish, right about the time the Tea Party came around. And earlier in Perry’s career, he was a Democrat(!) from 1984-1990. So he’s going to say and do whatever he thinks will get him votes- if that’s to act like a right-wing looney, then he’ll do that.

And it just got 10 feet higher when you said that.

It’s because TRUMP decimates the traditional rules of capitalization the way he decimates all the other rules, or something, because he’s TRUMP and nobody’s gonna hold him back or keep him down. Go TRUMP!

You forgot TRUMP!

Trump, Trump, Trump, the boys are marching …

Srsly? :eek: I hadn’t noticed that yet. You got a cite I can read up on? :smack:

One from his home state.

No, he was Governor here. He just wants to be Tomas de Torquemada.

Let’s face it - you can’t Talkemada anything!

I was gonna say that Deez Nuts had to win this, but then I noticed he’s running as an Independent, so never mind.