Whose image is getting improved by this?

Pit Bulls are now New Yorkies.

Keeping this in mind, tek-9s will now be known as Da Bronxies, LSD as Manhattabs and whores as Brooklyn Babes.

Thank you for your attention.

Manhattabs. Hehe.

Considering the reputation of New Yorkers, I can’t see much of a difference. :wink:

“New Yorkies”? I have to say, I find this extremely weird. It’s right up there with trying to re-name prunes as dried plums.

Nah, wouldn’t that be like renaming prunes “Miamis”?

Yes, I see your point, elfkin.

“Alsatian” didn’t stick; we’ll see how this one goes.

Weird. I once heard the San Francisco SPCA adopts pit bulls out under the name “St. Francis terriers”. That name sounded a lot better (and more dignified for that matter) to me than “New Yorkies”.

The old Yorkies are Yorkshire Terriers. They are fluffy little yippers, and you’d never confuse them with “New Yorkies.” Old Yorkies, if you don’t raise them right, will be hyperactive pains in the ass. “New Yorkies,” if you don’t raise them right, will do things that will cause juries to take away all your money and your first born child.

If somebody had renamed pit bulls after my hometown, I’d be steamed. Folks here are not as cultured and well-mannered as Biggirl and other New Yorkers I have met, but we’re more civilised than the friendliest pit bull I ever met. None of those New York folks ever gnawed on my trousers, either.

Then you haven’t been to enough New York fests. :wink: