Why are Michael Jackson's fingers "taped"?

After watching the 20/20 Special on Michael Jackson tonight, I noticed that Michael had some weird tape on some of his fingers.

It looked like masking tape, and it was only on 3 fingers, on the hand that I saw. And at the beginning of this particular interview (towards the end of the special), the camera breifly showed Michael putting the tape on his fingers.

Is this some kind of weird “fad”? Is there something wrong with his hands or something?

Note: I have MANY questions after watching this special… but this is the only one I have never heard anything about.

When Michael Jackson dies, I suspect someone will find a way to dissect his brain and instantly discover the causes of three dozen mental disorders.

The only reason I’ve seen hands taped is for the obvious medical reasons when you need to immobilize/stabilize the digit. Haven’t seen the video you are referring to, though.

He’s stated that he’s trying to symbolize the pain and suffering of the world.

And he’s weird.

One of his idols growing up, I can’t remember which one, was rumoured to do it, so he does it.

I’ve only seen guitar players and althletes do that.

According to Jay Leno’s routine, it’s because he doesn’t want to leave fingerprints all over the little boys he invites into his bedroom.

I assumed they were bandaids. Looking at his hands early in the episode, I noticed that his fingertips are really chewed up looking or something. I figured he was an obsessive nail (and hangnail) biter.

I don’t have a cite for this, but I did have a Eureka! moment over this same question while watching his interview and bits and pieces of the media aftermath. Like Alias, I noticed when MJ was holding the boy Gavin’s hand in the interview, a few of his fingernails (MJ’s) looked infected. At the end of the interview, he was shown taping his fingernails, and while I didn’t tape the show, it did seem to me he had taped the affected nails. I wondered if it had anything to do with skin bleaching or the claimed vitiligo. I’m sure there could be simpler reasons, but that’s my best guess.

How about, BECAUSE HE’S A FREAK!!!??