Why did you choose that avatar?

It’s my video gaming handle. A guy in our group was “Iron Chef!” (among others). I decided to up that with a more powerful metal, a hotter metal. I figured that plutonium fits the bill. The subtitle for the handle is “I nuke food.”…

Another poster dug it up for me on the internet after I indicated my overwhelming disinterest, pro or con, on the topic. I figured since they went to the trouble…shrug

My first dog (I was 39 YO); her name was PJ and she could belch the roof off a house right after dinner, so she became burpo_the_wonder_mutt. Could never get her to wear the cape or the cowl.


Fins To The Left,
Fins To The Right,
And you’re the only bait in town

It’s me in a 1942 Stearman biplane fulfilling a lifetime dream of actually flying a biplane. Sort of important to me personally.

you can make your own!

I just thought it was funny, a ninja with a squeegee.

A semi-unrelated question: Why the spelling change?

Nothing says “me” like a picture of me.

I wanted to replace the generic letter icon and this was the first image I saw that amused me.

Bonus trivia: I picked Little Nemo as my username because I happened to be reading a Little Nemo in Slumberland book that week.

At first, I thought it looked like John Lennon.

Or a flea bitten Donald Sutherland

So when are you guys getting a user card background? Huh? Huh!?

It’s a nod to my Wisconsin heritage. And yes, I do own one of those cheesehead hats.

I collect slide rules. My avatar is an image of a Keuffel & Esser 68-1400 Analon slide rule. It was unique among slide rules in being capable of performing dimensional analysis. It was the last model introduced by K&E before they stopped making slide rules and it was a commercial flop as few people could understand how to use it.


For this I’ve used a Sun Hemmi Model 269 “Civil” slide rule, which is specialized for civil engineering applications.


Love that one!

It was a long time ago, but I’m sure I just made a mistake/typo

My father, a PhD research chemist, gave me one one of his big slide rules in the 70s when I was maybe 11. I loved that thing, and figured out how to use it some, but not entirely (I was 11!). It was so cool.

I asked a friend if my hair looked okay in back, and she said to turn around and she’d snap a picture. It was my 70th birthday, and I don’t color my hair. :slight_smile: