Why do I have to log in again

almost everytime I click on a post to reply and when I want to send my reply? Often only a couple of minutes apart.

It has always happened if I stopped posting for a long time, but it’s ridiculous tonight.

Just happened twice when posting the OP.

Have you checked “keep me signed in” on the sign-in page?

Speaking for myself, yes - and it still bumps me off if I don’t post anything for a bit. (“Bit” varies between a minute or so and 5 minutes and lengthens once I have a couple posts in) In my case I wrote it off to my home connection being so slow.

Does it also bump you off anything else you signed onto, like your email or another website?

This happens to me too, and it doesn’t bump me off other sites. Tried it on three different browsers and two different computers in two different locations.

Only HD Forums which, I think, uses the same basic software as the SDMB.

I get bumped off more often here.

(I get around it when I’m posting from home by hitting the MMP first and saying something to buy some time. Lord knows we Mumpers always have something to comment on)

No. I’ll try that next time.

No. This is the only forum I’ve been on that does it. Mind you, it only got really bad yesterday, when I posted the question.
I had to have been off the forum for a lot longer for it to require a log in again on my previous visits.

May I highjack with a question on a similar topic? What happens, in this bbs forum, or in others of the same general kind, if I go away and forget to log out? Obviously, logging out properly is good etiquette, but what actually are the technological consequences of forgetting? Does it slow down the hamsters, or make maintenance tasks harder? Will the powers that be send out a hit squad to my door to break all my legs?

Doesn’t seem to make a difference. I hardly ever log out and have not done so probably for years. I suspect I’m not unusual.

I also never log out. I use three browsers/locations regularly (work, phone, home) and after checking the “remember me” box when signing in, I rarely get kicked off to where I have to log back in on any of them.