This thread is for consenting adults only. Those of you with squirmy, American views of sex: go lurk elsewhere.
I am partially involved in the, um, entertainment industry. And I have noticed a very clear trend pointing to a rapid rise in demand for ‘facials’ and other ‘protein drink’-related porn.
For the one or two of you out there that don’t know what a facial is blowing your load on a women’s face. Recent industry titles have had women taking/drinking literally dozen’s of mens’ jism at once. In Japan, the current ‘high-end’ standard is over 100 men (I have taken part in these, btw, and let me say that it is truely an amazing experience-but probably best left to another thread).
But just what is it about facials and women drinking men’s ‘nectar’ that is so erotic, anyway? In my conversations with fellow scum <g> I note that guys who are revolted by the thought of scat/piss porn are still nevertheless heavy in to facials and cum-drinking. Is there a relation? No relation at all? Is their some Freud-ian relationship in men wanting to go back to milking at their mother’s breast? Enquiring minds want to know.
webmastr, I have to question your credentials. Any smut-hound worth his salt would know full and well that this:
is called “bukkake”. A webmaster would definitely know this, since he would have that term somewhere on the site to draw the search engines. A porn person would have certainly heard the term flying around the set, much like the aforementioned jism.
My industry experience is largely in Japan, as it happens, and bukkake is, of course, Japanese (literally 'to dump or pour [on]). I have seen bukkake used on some overseas sights–but largly in connection with or using porn from Japan. Don’t recall seeing it in a purely Western porn context, and didn’t know that the term now had currency in the West (or just in the US?).
And my industry experience is largly film and video; despite my handle I am strictly an amateur on the web.
For the record, my ‘credentials’ include work on over 40 AVs in Japan, 3 in Hong Kong (pre-97; wouldn’t try it now) and a couple in the Phillipines and Australia.
Not sure why I have to prove my credentials; they have nothing to do with my OP.
To answer the OP: because men are pigs? That is my guess.
As a woman who can appreciate some of the more lurid parts of sex, I have to say that neither I nor any woman I’ve discussed it with (believe it or not, many) enjoy being jizzed on in the face at all. It’s icky and gross and a pain in the ass. If your partner claims to enjoy it, I’d say there is a 95% chance that she’s just saying that to live up to your porno-fantasy. Yes, I’m sure there are some women (that is why I ddin’t say 100%) who actually enjoy this, but they are rare.
Semen tastes like salty bleach water mixed with loogies. Yes, I swallow if I am in the position of having to do one or the other, but I can’t say I enjoy it.
Fortunately for me, my husband is grossed out by facials, so when we watch porn together, he fastforwards through those scenes.
It would help if you included the http:// part in your profile… but once I got to your page, almost everything was 404. Most of the pages, all of the images, etc.
That’s why. You mentioned them three times in you OP. It seemed odd to me, is all. It’s like me saying, “Come over here son, I’m a policeman. Policemen, like me, are your friends. When a policeman, such as myself tells you to do something, you better do it.”
It just weirds me. Ever had a salesman use your name too much? It builds distrust. ditto here.
Not to be nit picky, but my fellow scum are my beer drinking friends. Why is that an ‘industry’ thing?
Still, coming from someone with a handle like yours, I guess I should just be ignore it <g>.
My website is (web site deleted by moderator) I use, which goes down fairly often, I’m afraid. I am still in the process of moving stuff over from a previous site.
And I STILL say that this has NOTHING to do with my question: why do men (ok, not all men, apparently) find this erotic?
Power/submission? Maybe. But you would expect more of a cross-over into SM and such, and at least in my experience, this hasn’t really been the case.
This post has been edited by a moderator to remove the link to the pornographic site. Links to pornographic sites are not allowed at the SDMB.
Yup, we are. Each & every one of us. Oink, oink & all that.
Seriously, though: Porn is made for people to look at, hence the facials as they clearly & visibly demonstrate what happens (or has just happened).
IRL, I’d wager that most men would rather not have to stop the action and rearrange the gear just as things are about to get really, really fun. So to answer the OP, most men probably dislike giving women facials most of the time.
Porn isn’t real life (d’oh), but of course some men get ideas from porn, hence facials IRL. And I suppose some couples have fun with it.
How about if I popped in here with the broad generalization that we do it cuz women want it like that? I would get reamed for being arrogant enough to presume to know the wants of all women.
Maybe if they’re a beautician or something. Or if the guy wants to do something nice for the woman, that’s why he’d give her a facial. I guess the cucumbers and avocado (or whatever that stuff is) is good for the skin . . . What? Oh, not that kind of facial. Oh, man, gosh, boy is there uh . . . egg . on my face.
I am! No, seriously though, webmastr it was interesting to see someone breach this topic so candidly. Personally I think there’s a big difference between Bukkake and say, some sort of sex that results in semen being deposited somewhere on someone’s body. While I think the latter can be a major turn-on, the former is to my mind just over the top and, well, gross I guess.
Which makes me wonder: do gay men have this sort of " fetish ", to use the term loosely. Gay men? Anyone?
I suggest ya all take a look at his site first. Frankly, I can’t make heads or tails of it, yet.
Also, webmastr, you should know why porno films do that by now, if you are in the business. If I ran a football team & asked here, why do players try to get the ball past the goal line? what do you think they would say?
This post has been edited by a moderator to remove the link to the pornographic site. Links to pornographic sites are not allowed at the SDMB.
moderator, «Straight Dope Message Board»
[Edited by Arnold Winkelried on 12-15-2000 at 01:00 PM]
I don’t! I think it sucks and I don’t know of any women who actually enjoy it. I think it’s kind of a domineering erotic thing, just one step short of saying ‘s**t on you, I can do what I want to you because you’re inferior.’
I know a few guys who seem to love that type of thing and they all seem to fit in a certain type of mold, which is best described as over-macho, meaning everything for dudes and everyone else doesn’t really matter.
By the way, I’m male, in case you can’t tell by my name.
Porn-movies will show facials because its the only way to show the actor really came, that he was not humping about with a limb dick hidden from the camera, eagerly waiting for his coffee-break.
So, the people who get their ideas about what is sexy from those movies, will be a case of life imitating art.
It’s the same with sexy nude posing, by the way. In naughty pictures from say 1910 there is none of this pouting, looking dumb and an bit agressive, etc you will find in todays Hustler.
in 1900, models are smiling or doing stuff we find asexual like holding flowers, playing with their clothes, talking to a clothed man, or sitting on a swing holding flowers.
It wasn’t until the fourties that it became fashion to hold and a hand behind your head etc. Wet hair and wet skin was a thing from the sixties, when everybody got indoor plumming.
We girls read those magazines too, and we will try to seduce our husbands and to tell ourselves we are sensual women by imitating it a bit. We might even try to find facials erotic, or at least pretend to.