Why do my eyes smell like ass?

Sorry… Stink free here. You’ve probably got some kind of infection. I think Kramer on Seinfeld referred to it once, it’s called “Stink eye”.


Whoa, Superdude! Close your eyes!

Garlic. Every part of my body smells like garlic now. What a dinner!

wet male heads smell like dog.
and my feet smell like cheese :smiley:

No stink here.

You obviously have a case of “evil eye”. (tee hee)

I bet your eyes don’t stink either. I know you! You bet someone you could get a bunch of total strangers to rub their eyes and then sniff their fingers, boy, the stuff people will do to get free beer.

Dude, can you light your blinks?

And just curious but does eating pizza make your testicles hurt?

Are you sure you are rubbing your “eyes”?

To properly find out if the aroma is coming from your eyes or your fingers, grab the nearest co-worker and have them smell your eyes directly (with their own nose). This should answer all your questions.

Did you mean for us to rub our red eye?

This makes me feel so much better about that embarrassing “pizza balls” thread.

Ha, ha!

(And yes, I did sniff my eye-goo. All clear.)

you probably didn’t wash your hands good enough. I don’t think eyes smell, do they?

Man, now my eye’s all itchy.

Is that a dingleberry on your eyebrow?

I know it’s true, because my belly button stinks if I don’t make a point of washing it thoroughly every day. It’s very deep, too.

But my eyes smell fine to me!

No eyeball stink here. No offense, guys, but you all have some really, really weird problems. First the guy who had achy balls after eating pizza, and now this.

I sniffed. I rubbed. Rubbed some more. Made sure the end of my finger was moist. Then sniffed again.

Nana. Zip. Stink free.

Poor boy can’t tell his ass from his eyes. :smiley:

Just came out of the john and the whole place smells of eyes. . .

Not mine, though.

Hey shitface, go see a doctor!

Go eat some spinach, Poopeye.