Disclaimer: This could possibly be a pit thread, or it could be IMHO. Then again, to the rest of the general public, I’m sure it’s mundane and I’m sure it’s pointless even to myself. And yet, I feel very compelled to share. And so, it will at least start here.
Now, the story. The setting: High school, my first year and a half. After going through the all-too-common story of depression and rejection (at least in my mind) of junior high, I’ve made it to high school. In my geometry class my freshman year, I met a girl, and to say the least, we hit it off. We dated basically all the way through that year, over that summer, and into my sophomore year (she was a year ahead of me, although that doesn’t have a lot of bearing on the story.) This is where it gets interesting (but there’s no sex in this story, so don’t get too excited.).
Not too awfully long into my sophomore year, she pulls me over after the last class of the day and tells me that she’s got something very important to tell me, but there’s not time to go over all of it right then. She was going to be busy most of the day, but she would be at the football game that night, and we’d talk there. (Side note about my high school’s football team: we’re awful. My senior year, the only school we ranked ahead of was the Indiana School for the Deaf.) So, I spent the afternoon absolutely overanalyzing everything, like I usually do. Finally, the football game comes. I find her, and we go off to the more secluded area by the baseball field. We sit down on the bleachers there, and she tells me that she will be moving to Florida very soon because of her dad’s new job. This kills me. We spent the next few weeks talking and such, but every moment was very bittersweet. Finally the day came, and she was gone. We still talked on the phone and the internet for awhile. We sent a few letters back and forth. I was still absolutely devastated. I kid no one when I say I was ready to marry that girl. So, I spent the rest of my sophomore year very hurt and lonely. Friends tried to console me, but it took the love of another girl to finally pull me out of it over that following summer, by which time communication with the previous girl had completely fallen off. I’m still with the girl that finally pulled me out of that state, and things are going wonderfully. I honestly could not be happier.
The girl that moved to Florida has called me twice in the past two years, both times over the winter and both times caught me completely off-guard. Now, suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, I’m getting a very strong urge to talk with her again. I have no romantic designs or anything of that nature, I just really want to talk with her again and see how she’s doing and such. The thing is, I have no idea why, and that makes me wonder. Is it because it’s getting colder, and my brain somehow assumes that she’ll call sometime soon? That’s the only theory I have, and it’s a very weak one. I would call her, but, of course, I don’t have her number, nor can I seem to find it. I looked for the letters she sent, but those seem to be gone, too. (The “Sunscreen” song give a very good bit of advice when it tells you to keep all your old love letters. . .I’m too young to be regretting stuff like that, but here I am.)
Man, this is getting long. I suppose that’s just about it. I just don’t understand where this sudden need to talk to her is coming from. Why, brain? Why?