Why I didn't get any sleep last night...

It is 4 inches narrower and 4 inches longer than a standard king. It is also a bitch to find sheets for in a store, but not online thankfully.

A California King bed is heaven. A shortish person like me can lay in *any * direction and not have bits hanging off the edge where monsters can get them. You can sleep three across in the proper direction.

I got prank-called at 3:45 this morning. I know the exact time because I stared at the clock before answering. It is very hard to go back to sleep afterwards, what with the adrenaline and being pissed off combined.

CubHubby is a sleeptalker and a sleepwalker. We’ve had many memorable middle-of-the-night conversations. Once, he dreamed he was in combat and was stabbing an enemy soldier, only he was really punching me in the back. I was not very happy about that.

Man, I feel for you!
My husband has sleep terrors, probably about once a month.
Scares the crap out of me, as he tries to call out for me to save him.

Lately, though I’ve been awake when he has them, so at least I’m not being startled out of a deep sleep with them.

He couldn’t sleep last night because of a nightmare about those big flying cockroaches. It disturbed him so bad he had to get up and take a shower to get the “creepy-crawly” feeling off of him.

A friend of mine is a very sound sleeper. One night, his wife woke up to find him standing on the middle of the bed, reaching up to change the lightbulb on the fan/light over the bed. There isn’t a fan/light over the bed.

Another night, she woke to find him standing beside the bed, picking her and the blankets up, and running out of the room. It seems he was having a dream about some kind of disaster happening, and they had to get out of the house.

A month or so ago, we spent the night at my mom’s. My sweetie, for reasons unknown, punched me 3 times in rapid succession in my shoulder. While sound asleep. Weird.

He was very apologetic. Fortunately, they weren’t full-force punches, delicate flower that I am…

I am a sound sleeper, but have a tendancy to talk in my sleep. I also answer questions without realizing I am being asked one.

One night my husband asked me something while we were in bed and I answered with “I can’t help you right now, I have to get the little monkeys some beer” He started laughing and I woke up from my light state of sleep, and I remembered what I had said. I said, did I just say what I think I said he said yes and we ended up laughing so hard that it was hard to fall asleep. We still find it funny to this day.

He will also have to wake me up because I am having a really bad dream and either crying or screaming in my sleep. Thankfully that doesn’t happen all too often.

When I was pregnant, I would laugh in my sleep. Laugh so hard my stomach muscles hurt when I woke up. Once I even fell out of bed laughing. my husband asked if I was ok. I said "Sure I am(giggle giggle) why?
“Because you’re on the floor, laughing.”
“No I’m not (giggle giggle)”
“Are you awake?”
“Of course I am (giggle giggle)”
“Let me help you back to bed.”
“I’m in bed ( giggle giggle)”
“No, you’re on the floor”
“Giggle giggle giggle giggle”
“Hell with it.” He got up and turned on the bathroom light.
Me “Hey, what am I doing on the floor? My belly hurts. I’m in labor”
“No you aren’t, you’ve been laughing for the last 45 minutes. Are you really awake now?”
"Well, yeah, Of course I’m awake. What kind of question is that? "
He then told me the whole story while helping me back to bed. I wouldn’t have believed him except for the sore muscles.
I did it twice in the last 3 months of my pregnancy.

My brother is a sleepwalker/talker. Normaly he goes to bed before I do, so I hear all his odd talkings. Once he fell asleep while we were watching a movie, so halfway through it, he started saying, “That girl is really hot. No, not the one at that table, THAT one. See her? Isn’t she hot?” Then again last night he started yelling “MOM? MOM! WAKE ME UP TOMORROW MORNING! EARLY!” I checked on him after that, and he was sound asleep.
Not me, but a friend of mine sleepwalks a lot too. Once he went to bed earlier then the rest of his family, so he ran out of his room, down the stairs, past his startled family in the living room, ran to the door and opened it yelling, “DON’T LEAVE ME!” He then promply shut the door and walked back to bed.

I think I’ve told this one before, but it still cracks me up, so here I go again:

My husband woke me up one night by loudly and anxiously saying, “It’s not a bunny! No! It’s not a bunny!”

He explained to me later that he was having a nightmare in which he was at a backyard picnic at his aunt’s house, and there was a demon in the yard disguised as a rabbit. Naturally, only he could tell that it was a demon, and he was trying to warn everybody. To me, it’s made even funnier because he said “bunny” instead of “rabbit.”

My wife has very vivid dreams, which occasionally become sleep walking and talking. When she was a teenager and working as a cashier she used to get up in the middle of the night and serve customers until her mom put her back to bed.

Nowadays we have a codeword that I can say that slips into her sleeping mind and lets her know that she’s only dreaming and can get back into bed. It’s funny because after the codeword she’ll sometimes ask “are you sure?” like she thinks I’m trying to pull a fast one. “Yes honey, I’m sure that there isn’t an elephant in the kitchen. Please come back to bed”. :stuck_out_tongue:

All three of my kids talk in their sleep, but the middle one outdid herself one night about five years ago. She was 5 or 6 years old and had crawled into bed between her Dad and I. She was sound asleep and I think Dad was too, and I was just about to fall alseep. The child suddenly sat bolt upright and at the top of her lungs sang, “I can see clearly now the rain is gone…” then layed back down and continued sleeping. Just popped up, gave us a tune and popped back down. I will say the extra practice has paid off; she just won a Karoake contest at the local RollerRink. I do believe she was awake at the time.

There is a family story about my grandmother dreaming that she had just been strapped into her seat on the spaceship heading for the moon when she had to go pee. They were already counting down, and she was frantically trying to open the hatch so she could go to the bathroom, but the door was locked from the outside.

Grandad had to go to the doctor the next day to make sure his nose wasn’t broken. :smiley:

On a more personal note, I used to have nightmares about fractions. If a fraction ran up behind me in a dream and sat its numerator on me before I ran away, I would be trapped into the denominator until I could do long division to the nth decimal place.

My dad, being an engineer and seriously mathematically inclined, seemd to think this was hysterically funny.

I’m really glad I don’t try to eat or drink at the computer! :eek:

Thanks for the belly laugh!

Finally another one! My g/f does the same thing from time to time and all my friends think I’m insane when I tell them.

When I was a freshman at Purdue, I had quite a bit of anxiety over a calculus final. I had a nihtmare where I was chased around Lafayette by a huge integral sign…

My brother and I both used to sleep-talk, and I used to sleep-walk. My mother also talks in her sleep, as do my aunt and uncle. When we’d have family get-togethers you could pretty much rely on some babble going on in some part of the house during the night.

My family are masters of working with the situation. :wink: When you have so many people in one family whose imaginations don’t shut off at bedtime, you kinda get used to it.

When I was a wee kid, I used to dream about being chased by wolves. My mother would come into the bedroom and ‘shoot’ all the wolves, and I’d go back to deep sleep. Apparently, I never properly woke up during any of it.

One time when my brother and I were sharing a bedroom due to house renovations, he woke me up by shouting “Scott! Scott, you bastard! Pass it here! Over here!”.

Since he was due to have a basketball final shortly, it didn’t take a lot of guess work to figure out the plot.

I hissed “Hey, Brad!”
B: (pause) yeah?
K: Game’s over, mate
B: (pause)(disappointed sigh) oh.
K: You won
B: (happy sigh)Ahh. Good. Good.

there was also time a couple of years back, when I was playing the computer in our bedroom and my husband (Shaun) suddenly sat up and said ‘Good god!’.

K: What is it, babe?
S: (looks at me wildly, then gestures at the floor) Snakes! Why on earth did you get so many snakes?!
K: Huh?
S: I, I … why? Why (deep sigh and long-suffering look), WHY snakes? So many snakes!
K: (finally catching up) Oh, I’m sorry, babe. Don’t you like them? I’ll take them back in the morning.
S: (doubtful look) Promise?
K: Promise. Tell you what, I’ll take them back now, okay? I’ve got a box for them right here.
S: okay… but… why SNAKES?
K: (thinking fast) They were on sale. It’s okay; I kept the reciept.
S: (thankful smile)Okay. (falls deeply asleep again)

Knowing how to roll with it is easier than trying to wake them up, I reckon. Not to mention a hell of a lot more fun. :wink:

And as someone who has attended both Purdue and Lafayette College (in Easton, PA), my mental image of that features a statue of Lafayette magically transported onto a red brick campus.

Which reminds me of another story- nothing to do with sleeping.

I did intend to tell the story, not hit submit reply.

One weekend, I went on a retreat with a bunch of graducate students from various InterVarsity groups from various colleges at a camp located near the Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio borders. I was wearing a t-shirt which said Lafayette. We divided into groups and introduced ourselves “Hi, I’m Eureka, I am a graduate student in blank from Purdue” Later, in an even smaller group, one of the members mentioned having lived in Pennsylvania. Group member 2, asked if he’d heard of her small liberal arts college. Nope. I jumped in with “I atttended Lafayette College” and the guy told me that he’d wondered, after seeing the shirt, and might have come over to ask me at some point, but after I introduced myself as being from Purdue he’d started to wonder whether that was where the shirt came from.